Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Separation of church and state prevails
North County Times
Apparently, Killion is in accord with David Barton, the preeminent history revisionist who claims separation of church and state is a myth. I think Jefferson is better qualified to speak on the matter. Killion ignored my previous comment: รข€œWomen's ...

Rick Warren on separation of church and state: Bush "used his faith to ...
CNN (blog)
Coming up on this Christmas Eve, "Piers Morgan Tonight" welcomes Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church to the program. Welcoming his guest for a primetime interview, Piers Morgan asks the American evangelical Christian pastor and author his ...

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Christian Post

Church-State Group Does Not Want Court to Consider Elmbrook Case
Christian Post
Americans United for Separation of Church and State called upon the U.S. Supreme Court to not hear an appeal brought by Elmbrook School District of Brookfield. Simon Brown of Americans United wrote on the organization's blog "Wall of Separation" on ...
Schools ask US Supreme Court asked to review church-state decisionRiver Falls Journal
Should churches be off limits for public events?OneNewsNow

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Mike Huckabee Blames Connecticut Shooting on Separation of Church and State
Mike Huckabee Blames Connecticut Shooting on Separation of Church and State. Email this item Email Print this item Print Share this item... Share. Tweet. Posted on Dec 14, 2012. How does one explain the massacre of 20 children at a school in ...

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Kansas City Star

Secular group rips Kansas Gov. Brownback for his promotion of faith rally
Fox News
But what really rankled Americans United for Separation of Church and State was Brownback's earlier promotion of the prayer rally, in the form of a state proclamation. "The governor is really overstepping his constitutional bounds. He was elected to ...
Kansas governor criticized for speaking at religious eventKansas City Star
Kansas Governor promotes Christian prayer event, violates ConstitutionExaminer.com
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Criticized For Attending Religious RallyHuffington Post

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This Week in God
MSNBC (blog)
So, by Huckabee's reasoning, the separation of church and state is at least partially responsible for a gunman killing 26 people, including 20 children. There are a few problems with such a perspective. Theologically, many Christians believe God is ...
Fox News' Mike Huckabee Blames School Shooting on Absence of Religion in ...Hollywood Reporter
Mike Huckabee, implied lack of 'God' in schools caused Sandy Hook massacre ...allvoices
Mike Huckabee Blames Sandy Hook Shooting On Absence of God in SchoolsAtlanta Black Star
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog) -ThinkProgress
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Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)