Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Church-state separation group to celebrate Darwin's life
The Great Plains Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State will celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday with a party at a west Wichita hotel on Feb. 9. The group's third annual “Darwine Day” celebration will feature party foods and a ...

The Atlantic Cities

Should Cities Make Drivers Pay for Sunday Parking Too?
The Atlantic Cities
According to the Reverend Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, believers can't demand special treatment, no matter how unfair a measure seems. “If a community can agree upon a measure and it happens to ...


The Crumbling Wall of Separation
New York: “Americans United for Separation of Church and State, led by Barry Lynn, has sent a letter to the superintendent of West Point, claiming that the Academy's prayer policy runs afoul of the Constitution and violates the cadets' rights. 'West ...

and more »


MOUNT RUBIDOUX CROSS: Church/state separation group wouldn't bid on land
Press-Enterprise (blog)
Alex Luchenitser, associate legal director for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said Tuesday that his group would be satisfied if the city offered the land for sale, as long as it was done without giving preference to someone who ...
Auction to Settle Mount Rubidoux Cross IssueNBC Southern California
Riverside to sell land under cross, avoid lawsuitSacramento Bee

all 5 news articles »
Simon Brown

It seems that closed-door negotiations between the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate have produced a defense spending bill with a provision that could allow for discrimination against gays, lesbians and other minorities in the military.

This is a truth that we can’t handle.  Read more

Rob Boston

I know it’s not considered polite to speak ill of the dead, but I’m going to bend that rule today to comment on Robert H. Bork, the former federal appeals court judge and failed Supreme Court candidate who died yesterday. Read more

Simon Brown

Louisiana officials have often been far from favorable when it comes to church-state separation, so today we are particularly happy to salute school officials in Orleans Parish for doing the right thing.

This week, the Orleans Parish School Board voted to reject any science textbook “which presents creationism or intelligent design as science or scientific theories.” Read more

Rob Boston

The broken record that is Mat Staver, founder of the Religious Right group Liberty Counsel, is at it again: Christmas is under attack. Christmas is under attack. Christmas is under attack.

You could have fooled me. I stopped in a local mall last weekend, and it sure looked to me like Christmas was in full swing. On my way there, I passed more than one church with a Nativity scene on its lawn. Based on the decorations on my block alone, which include both the secular and the sacred, you’d have a hard time not knowing it’s Christmastime. Read more

Simon Brown

What sort of person would use a tragedy like the massacre in Newtown, Conn., as an excuse to advance an extreme, theocratic agenda?

If you guessed William J. Murray, you’re correct.

Murray, who heads the Religious Freedom Coalition in Washington, D.C., doesn’t blame Adam Lanza for taking the lives of his own mother and 26 others, including 20 children. Instead, the Religious Right activist said it’s lack of school-sponsored prayer that led to the tragedy. Read more

Rob Boston

As soon as I heard about Friday’s horrific school shootings in Newtown, Conn., I knew it would only be a matter of time before some Religious Right extremist blamed it on the lack of mandatory prayer in public schools.

It didn’t take long. First out of the crazy box was former Arkansas governor and erstwhile presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. Read more

Simon Brown

A Kentucky lawmaker seems to have given church-state separation advocates an early holiday gift: a promise not to push creationism in 2013.

Sen. Mike Wilson (R-Bowling Green) will be the new chair of the Senate Education Committee and he has been quick to state that even though he believes in creationism, he won’t try to force it into public schools. Read more

Rob Boston

If you’re like me, your email inbox often contains items of a questionable nature. Despite spam filters, I still get the occasional message from a Nigerian government official offering me millions or notice that I’ve won a European lottery that I never entered.

But as far as I’m concerned, chain emails of a political nature are the worst: Here’s proof President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fake! Join this plan to bombard the ACLU with Christmas cards! Mitt Romney can still be president if one-third of the states refuse to cast ballots in the Electoral College! Read more

Joseph L. Conn

More trouble on the religion-and-healthcare front.

Yesterday my colleague Simon Brown told you about a worrisome development in Austin where the University of Texas is planning to train medical school students at a Catholic-run teaching hospital. Some folks are concerned that Catholic doctrinal mandates will interfere with sound medical training.

Now a similarly problematic situation is emerging again in Louisville. Read more

Simon Brown

For those who value church-state separation and responsible health care, there is a growing issue with partnerships between public institutions and religiously affiliated hospitals. 

Consider the situation at the University of Texas, which plans to open a medical school but train its students at a Catholic-run teaching hospital. Read more

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