From both sides (T24R-5)

E! Online

Is Lauryn Hill's new song 'Neurotic Society' homophobic?
The Grio
It was the religion of former beau and father of five of her children, Rohan Marley, and Hill's frequent references to Babylon echoes a term used by Rastafarians to describe a corrupt world. The Afro-centric religion is also notoriously homophobic (as ...
Lauryn Hill débuts 'homophobic' lyrics in new song, 'Neurotic Society'So So Gay
Lauryn Hill Accused Of Homophobic Lyrics In 'Neurotic Society'The Inquisitr
Lauryn Hill's Song "Neurotic Society" Under Scrutiny for Anti-Gay UndertonesE! Online
Huffington Post
all 19 news articles »

Charisma News

Boy Scouts Nonprofit Status Stripped In California Legislation
Huffington Post
"While the Boy Scouts of America took a step in the right direction to include LGBT youth, the standing ban on LGBT adults is premised on absurd assumptions and stereotypes that perpetuate homophobia and ignorance," Lara, who became the first openly ...
Religious Liberties Under Fire in Calif. Senate BillCharisma News
Episcopal Church Leaders Support Boy Scout Decision. Presiding Bishop SilentVirtue Online
California Senate Approves Bill That Could Strip the Boy Scouts of Tax Exempt ...Towleroad
Frontiers LA (blog) -On Top Magazine -PolicyMic
all 385 news articles »

After Careful Deliberation, Baby Goes With Homosexuality
The Onion (satire)
“Even though I'll be subjected to ignorant homophobic attitudes and countless anti-gay slurs, the choice of homosexuality really works for me.” Reynolds, like all infants when they reach the ages between 2 and 10 ... Reynolds reportedly acknowledged ...

Dan Savage Explains How Christians Can Help The Gay Equality Movement ...
Huffington Post
During Dan Savage's appearance on HuffPost Live, sex columnist and author of the new book 'American Savage' was asked by a Christian who supports full equality for gay people about the role Christians like her can play in the gay rights movement.

Matt Barber Of Liberty Counsel Compares Gay Adoption To Having Pets
Huffington Post
Conservative Christian radio host and Liberty Counsel attorney Matt Barber joined Mathew D. Staver for a segment of the Liberty Counsel Faith & Freedom program, where the two discussed their opinions on same-sex adoptions. During the conversation ...

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WHAS (subscription)

Gay Rights Advocates Aren't Finished With The Boy Scouts
Christian Post
GLAAD and other gay-rights groups are highly organized to infiltrate corporate and non-profit boardrooms, state legislatures and even religious organizations to neutralize what Scripture says about homosexuality. What's more frightening is Christians ...
Southeast Christian Church cuts ties to hundreds of scoutsWHAS (subscription)
Boy Scouts Decision on Gay Members Apparently Pleases No OneWFPL
Boy Scouts Nonprofit Status Stripped In California LegislationHuffington Post
On Top Magazine -TGV News -Price Sun Advocate
all 385 news articles »
by Johanna Dasteel NEW YORK, May 30, 2013 ( – If you're a teenager in New York City searching for an abortion, contraception, or someone to tell you about homosexual sex, there's an app for that. Teens in the abortion capital of America now have a city-sponsored smart phone sex app to help…
by Peter Saunders Two British Christians who refused to act contrary to conscience have lost their legal battle at the European court of human rights in a move that demonstrates that ‘gay rights’ trump ‘conscience rights’ when the two conflict. Gary McFarlane and Lillian Ladele (pictured)…

Gay Catholic priest comes out to an uncertain future
Religion News Service
Since his public declaration of his sexual orientation, he has received much support on his Facebook page, Meier told his UMSL audience of 80 or so parishioners, priests, former priests and gay-rights activists. One woman, though, scolded him for ...

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Gay Mormon characters step out of the shadows
Washington Post
By Kellie Kotraba| Religion News Service, ... The church-run website pairs the church's official stance â€" “(homosexual) attraction itself is not a sin, but acting on it is” â€" with stories of gay Mormons and their families and ...

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Surveying a Gay Christian's Pilgrimage
Religion & Politics
Half (50 percent) of Americans say “gay and lesbian people should be eligible for ordination as clergy,” according to Public Religion Research Institute, and little more than half (51 percent) of white evangelicals under 35 are in favor of same-sex ...

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