From both sides (T24R-5)

Pope Francis Reforms Threaten Some Catholics, Changes Not Welcomed By All
Huffington Post
And he has turned the Vatican upside down, quite possibly knocking the wind out of a poisonously homophobic culture by merely uttering the word "gay" and saying: so what? In between, he has charmed ... His recent decision to forbid priests of a ...

Anti-Gay Riot In Tbilisi Tests Balance Between Church, State
Valley Public Radio
In Georgia's capital city, Tblisi, a mob of thousands attacked a small group of people who were staging a protest against homophobia. The leaders of ... "Religion obliges us to talk to these people and to show them that they're wrong, they're sinners ...

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Gay Pride Parade in Holy City Jerusalem
Summary : As Jerusalem prepares for its 11th annual Gay Pride Parade, members of the city's LGBT community speak of the importance of raising its rainbow flag to call for rights and show that religion and homosexuality can coexist. Author: Lena Odgaard ...

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Raw Story

Cruz: 'Gay marriage' leads to Christianity being defined as 'hate speech'
Raw Story
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is predicting that tolerance of equal rights for LGBT people will result in Christianity being defined as “hate speech.” In a recent interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, host David Brody told Cruz that activists saw ...
Ted Cruz thinks gay marriage will lead to Christianity being considered 'hate ...Death and Taxes
WATCH: Ted Cruz Claims LGBT Activists Will Charge Pastors With Hate
Sen. Ted Cruz: Opposing Gay Marriage Will Lead To Christianity Being Called ...Opposing Views
Gay Star News
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Openly Gay Priest Hopes The Pope's Words Will Encourage Other Clergy To ...
Huffington Post
The magazine was the first of its kind on the internet has continued to be a resource for the LGBT community since then at She is also the author of Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians published ...
Cardinal Dolan Clarifies Pope Francis' Remarks on Gay Priests, Reaffirms ...Christian Post
Pope Francis Does Not Judge Gay PeopleChicagoNow (blog)
The Day the Pope Said 'Gay'Patheos (blog)
TIME (blog) -ThinkProgress
all 1,011 news articles »

The New Civil Rights Movement

Ex-Gay Community Lobbies Congress for Recognition, Protection From ...
Christian Post
Christopher Doyle, the president and co-founder of Voice of the Voiceless (VoV), the only anti-defamation league for former homosexuals and people who have unwanted same-sex attraction, told The Christian Post on Tuesday that the organization is ...
Updated: A Dozen 'Ex-Gays' Show Up At DC Protest Expected To Draw ...The New Civil Rights Movement

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by Kirsten Andersen CHICAGO, IL, July 31, 2013 (LifeSiteNews) – After a group of eight Catholic Democrats published an open letter in the Chicago Tribune Monday criticizing Cardinal Francis George for threatening to withhold charitable funding from an immigrant group that recently came out in favor of same-sex “marriage,”…
by Hilary White PORTSMOUTH, July 30, 2013 ( – The government’s “gay marriage” bill is nothing more than the logical and “inevitable outcome of a process that has been gathering pace since the sexual revolutions of the 1960s,” an English Catholic bishop has said in…
by Thaddeus Baklinski TORONTO, July 30, 2013 ( - Toronto District School Board (TDSB) officials have refused a request to make public the reason for reinstating Wade Vroom, a grades 7/8 teacher at Delta Alternative Sr. School who posted graphic sex pamphlets in his classroom and was subsequently removed from…

Did Pope Francis change church teaching on homosexuality?
Religion News Service
But it was the pope's remarks about gay priests, made during a free-wheeling press conference on the return trip to Rome, that drew the most headlines, raising questions about whether the pontiff was signaling a change in the church's approach to this ...

Pope won't judge gay priests
Frederick News Post (subscription)
"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis asked. His predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, signed a document in 2005 that said men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests. Francis ...
Pope Francis Strikes Tolerant Tone in Remarks on Gay CatholicsPBS NewsHour
Are We Any Better Than Gay People?
Pope Francis: Who am I to judge gay people?GhanaWeb
TIME -Fox News -CNN (blog)
all 1,011 news articles »

Christian Colleges, Gay Facultyâ€"and the Boy Scouts
Religion Dispatches
On May 28, two items appeared in separate venues that, as a gay faculty member at a Christian college, got my attention. Christianity Today posted an interview with the new president of Calvin College, a highly respected member institution of the ...

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