Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Tuesday's Religion News Roundup: Pope's Gay Words * Cathedral Vandalized ...
Religion News Service
Enter your best portrait of Uncle Frank in Religion News Service's “Pope Francis Art Contest.” You could win $100 . . . or less! If you can't draw, you can at least type your email into the box at the bottom of this page and subscribe to the RNS daily ...
Pope Francis Strikes Tolerant Tone in Remarks on Gay CatholicsPBS NewsHour
Will Francis' Statements on Women and Gays 'Make a Mess' Inside the Church?Religion Dispatches
Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge?'CNN (blog) -GhanaWeb -One News Page
all 1,011 news articles »

US Bishops Have No Trouble Judging Gays
Religion Dispatches
Pope Francis's informal comments about gay people â€" “Who am I to judge them if they're seeking the Lord in good faith?” â€" have drawn a lot of attention, including a valuable context-providing analysis from Mary Hunt here on RD. The remarks stood out ...

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Gay Marriage Around the World
The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
Civil unions have been permitted in Uruguay since 2008, and gay and lesbian couples were given adoption rights in 2009. Uruguay is among the most secular countries in Latin America. A Pew Research Center study on the global religious landscape as of ...

Overview of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States
The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
While all laws legalizing same-sex marriage contain some conscience protections allowing churches and other religious groups to refuse to marry gay and lesbian couples, the legal ground is murkier for religiously affiliated organizations, such as ...

Gay Pride Parade in Holy City Jerusalem
As Jerusalem prepares for its 11th annual Gay Pride Parade, members of the city's LGBT community speak of the importance of raising its rainbow flag to call for rights and show that religion and homosexuality can coexist. Author: Lena Odgaard Posted on ...

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Gay Pride Parade in Holy City Jerusalem
As Jerusalem prepares for its 11th annual Gay Pride Parade, members of the city's LGBT community speak of the importance of raising its rainbow flag to call for rights and show that religion and homosexuality can coexist. Author: Lena Odgaard Posted on ...

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New Challenges to Gay Marriage Bans From Within States & Denominations
Religion Dispatches
Don't look now but the marriage equality snowball is gaining momentum. Since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act allowing legally wed gay and lesbian couples access to the federal rights and responsibilities of ...

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Christian Colleges, Gay Facultyâ€"and the Boy Scouts
Religion Dispatches
On May 28, two items appeared in separate venues that, as a gay faculty member at a Christian college, got my attention. Christianity Today posted an interview with the new president of Calvin College, a highly respected member institution of the ...

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Indiana Makes Criminals of Pro-Gay Clergy
Religion Dispatches
The old saw on the religious right has long been that if marriage equality for LGBT couples becomes the law of the land, that churches and clergy will be forced to marry those couples. They use the rhetoric of "freedom of religion" to get special ...
In China, LGBT Citizens Seek Acceptancepride

all 35 news articles »

Truth In Progress: film, talk on gay rights, civil rights, religion
Windy City Times
They especially look at the role of religion in both movements and experiences of discrimination. Founders Caldwell, 79, and white lesbian writer/activist Marilyn Bennett, 51, have been filming a documentary as they travel the country engaging in ...

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