From both sides (T24R-5)

Archbishop of Canterbury: Homophobia Wrong, But Marriage Rights Not OK
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby isn't apologizing for his opposition to the U.K.'s marriage equality law, but he does say religious leaders need to be “repentant” about homophobia. “The church has not been good at dealing with homophobia â€" it ...
Justin Welby gets real on homophobiaThe Guardian
Archbishop urges Christians to 'repent' over 'wicked' attitude to
On homophobia and racismNational Secular Society (blog)
The Week UK -The New Civil Rights Movement -This is Kent
all 53 news articles »

The Independent

Rainbows over the Sochi Olympics
“The loss to the country could be blamed on the LGBT community,” she says, which might result in an increase in homophobic violence. She'd prefer athletes or administrators make a public gesture, similar to the Black Power salute American runners ...
Russia's Anti-Gay Law, Spelled Out in Plain EnglishHuman Rights First

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UK Pastor Under Investigation After Calling Homosexual Pride Fest 'Carnival of ...
Christian News Network
Norwich Pride organizers then reported the email to the police, asserting that the pastor had engaged in “homophobic” speech. “We reported the email to the police as a hate incident and ... “Both European law and the English common law establish by ...
Anti-gay pastor under investigation for homophobic protest at Norwich
Anti-gay pastor under investigation for homophobic commentsGay Star News

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*Anti-gay groups stage mounting attacks in Ukraine. * KYIV, Ukraine ? *Taras Karasiichuk was near his home in Kyiv* in May last year when *he noticed a group of young men following him*. *They began taunting him with insults, then attacked with their fists*. Image:...
*Pastors accused of stirring up mob violence as Christian groups plan second anti-LGBT hate march* *Jamaica?s LGBT community is facing an ?unprecedented? level of mob attack *and is appealing to the world to come to their rescue. *Jamaican LGBT advocate Maurice Tomlinson told Gay Star News he...

Christian Radio Hosts: Gays Commit Half The Murders In Large Cities
Huffington Post
The hosts of a controversial Christian radio show that often touches on the subject of homosexuality have become the latest anti-gay propagandists to repeat a shockingly inaccurate claim about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community ...

Church Sign Has AMAZING Message For Christian Homophobes (PHOTO)
Huffington Post
... in Australia, which posted a similar message a few weeks ago. Gosford made international headlines early in August after putting up a signboard that read, "Dear Christians, some people are gay, get over it, Love God." Also on HuffPost: Loading ...

Christian Counselors Sue Over Gay-to-Straight Conversion Therapy Law
Charisma News
New Jersey's newly enacted ban on gay-to-straight conversion therapy for minors violates a licensed therapist's obligation to “respect the rights of clients to make decisions,” according to a federal lawsuit filed by a Christian counselors group and ...
Lawmaker warns Christians over new gay therapy law: We'll take your childrenBizPac Review
Gay Conversion Therapy Causes LGBT Youth To Become Suicidal: California ...Huffington Post

all 10 news articles »
by Ben Johnson JACKSON HOLE, WY, August 30, 2013 ( – Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is telling voters in Wyoming she has changed her stance on same-sex “marriage.” Running for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, Cheney accused incumbent Republican…
by Kirsten Andersen BENTONVILLE, AR, August 29, 2013 ( – The world’s largest retailer has quietly notified its more than 1.2 million U.S. employees that beginning next year, full-time workers can share company benefits any domestic partner of their choosing, whether gay or straight, married…

Openly gay Mormon taught religion classes this summer at BYU
Salt Lake Tribune
Ty Mansfield, a gay Mormon who co-wrote a book about same-sex attraction and has since married a woman, taught a religion course this summer at Brigham Young University. He may have been the first openly gay instructor hired to teach at the private ...

The Malay Mail Online

Gay Muslims in Turkey: torn between religion and sexuality
The Malay Mail Online
Ertugrul, President of a Muslim homosexual association in Turkey, stands near the Istiklal Avenue as he poses for a photograph in Istanbul. â€" AFP picISTANBUL, Aug 10 â€" “When I was a child, I was told that homosexuals would burn in hell,” said ...

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The New Anti-Gay Argument: "The Gag Reflex"
Religion Dispatches (blog)
The real reason conservatives are losing the "cultural battle" over gay marriage is because they have stopped focusing on the public's "gag reflex," says Baptist Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile of the The Gospel Coalition (whose founders include Mars Hill's ...

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