Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)
John F. Kennedy on separation of church and state ChicagoNow (blog) I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute--where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishoners for whom to vote--where no church ... How Catholic was John F. Kennedy? |
Headlines & Global News | New York town's prayers test church-state separation USA TODAY GREECE, N.Y. â" The Rev. Lou Sirianni opened the most recent monthly meeting of the Greece Town Board with a prayer that reached back 239 years. "Be thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly," he began, quoting ... Separation of Church and State Case Goes to Supreme Court: Greece, NY ... Politicians on both sides of the pew hope Supreme Court case has a prayer Supreme Court to review church-state dispute over public prayers |
Letter: There is a reason for separation of church and state Rockford Register Star Letter: There is a reason for separation of church and state. If Mr. Petersen believes he is objective in his question " WHAT HAPPENED TO OBJECTIVE MORAL TRUTH," he is kidding himself. I'd like to quote what Jesus had to say about homosexuality, ... |
San Francisco Chronicle | Separation of church and state The Hill (blog) The lobby in the building where I live is decorated annually with Christmas props that I wouldn't have in my home. Some Jewish residents asked the building managers to add Hanukkah paraphernalia. I don't like that idea either. I wish folks of all ... Our View: Separation of Church and State Protects Religious Liberty Justices struggle with church-state case Supreme Court debates church-state dispute over public prayers |
Beaumont Enterprise | Decision On Clergy Housing Tax Break Evokes Memory Of JFK Forbes Judge Barbara Crabb has probably unleashed a storm of controversy with her ruling that tax free housing allowances paid to members of the clergy (âministers of the gospelâ) are unconstitutional as violating the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Judge strikes down clergy housing allowance Judge Strikes Down Federal Tax Exemption for Clergy Federal judge: Clergy tax-free housing allowance is unconstitutional |
Bloomberg News and the problem of church-state separation Columbia Journalism Review It has become accepted wisdom in future-of-news debates that the church-state divide between the newsroom and the business side was something of an archaism, one more legacy that legacy news had to shed. The current thinking is that reporters have to ... |
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