
Showing posts from January, 2010

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Liberals flout separation of Church and State Nolan Chart LLC A false doctrine, separation of Church and State , used to silence conservatives is violated by the Liberals to salvage the dying socialist national health ... The Money Times Bill Seeks to Further Define Separation of Church & State for California Marriages LAist (blog) As the gay marriage debate continues in the courts and within communities, a newly introduced bill by State Senator Mark Leno may win over church leaders ... Bill: Clergy could refrain from marrying gays San Francisco Chronicle all 1,594 news articles » Founders had good reason to keep church , state separate Canton Repository The information provided by Miss Goshay and that above gives you the factual truth of why our Founding Fathers insisted on the separation of church and ... LETTERS: Monday Colorado Springs Gazette My point is that the same teachers union employees that espouse there should be a se

From both sides (T12R-5)

USA Today Protests over Super bowl ads for anti-gay Christian group GLAAD senior director of media programmes Rashad Robinson said in a statement: "CBS spent years denying a platform to an LGBT -inclusive church that wanted ... Abortion and gays: CBS plays politics with Super Bowl Why Is CBS in Bed With the Religious Right on Super Bowl Sunday? Huffington Post (blog) all 325 news articles » - Sponsors -

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

A retort (Stamford Advocate) 1. He incorrectly implied that Christians have "disdain for another's religion" and are disrespecting all religions other than their own. Choosing to embrace one religion does not automatically mean disdain for other religions. License for immorality (The Downey Patriot) My question to Michael Parmer is, who needs a marriage license â€" either homosexual or heterosexual â€" to practice immorality? (Letters to the Editor, 1/22/10) Banned in Texas prisons: books and magazines that many would consider classics (Austin American-Statesman) Banned in Texas prisons: books and magazines that many would consider classics Irene Monroe: Will Faith-Based Agencies Help Haiti's Gay Community? (The Huffington Post) Since the world community has descended on Haiti with relief aid in response to the January 12th earthquake, I am wondering how Haiti's lesbian, gay,... Welco

From both sides (T12R-5)

USA Today Protests over Super bowl ads for anti-gay Christian group GLAAD senior director of media programmes Rashad Robinson said in a statement: "CBS spent years denying a platform to an LGBT -inclusive church that wanted ... Abortion and gays: CBS plays politics with Super Bowl Why Is CBS in Bed With the Religious Right on Super Bowl Sunday? Huffington Post (blog) all 295 news articles » The Money Times Kersten's 'bullying tactics' unhelpful to gay marriage debate Minneapolis Star Tribune There were 293 anti- LGBT bias crimes in the same period -- more than three times that of anti- Christian crimes. And LGBT people make up an exponentially ... Prop 8 Defenders Call Up First Witness Christian Post all 1,594 news articles » - Sponsors -

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

A retort (Stamford Advocate) 1. He incorrectly implied that Christians have "disdain for another's religion" and are disrespecting all religions other than their own. Choosing to embrace one religion does not automatically mean disdain for other religions. License for immorality (The Downey Patriot) My question to Michael Parmer is, who needs a marriage license â€" either homosexual or heterosexual â€" to practice immorality? (Letters to the Editor, 1/22/10) Gay Marriage: California Prop 8 Trial Awaits Key Ruling ( via Yahoo! News) A high-profile legal duo is taking the case against Prop 8 all the way to the Supreme Court. Here's a look at the arguments so far Irene Monroe: Will Faith-Based Agencies Help Haiti's Gay Community? (The Huffington Post) Since the world community has descended on Haiti with relief aid in response to the January 12th earthquake, I am wondering how Haiti's le

Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

USA Today Gloria Allred Says Tim Tebow's Super Bowl Ad 'Misleading Advertising' ChattahBox Tim Tebow, has always worn his religion on his sleeve, or rather his eye patches, and he feels there is nothing wrong with airing the spot during the Super ... Give Us Our Gay Christian Super Bowl Ads, CBS! TIME (blog) The Battle Over Super Bowl Ads (blog) CBS Considering Gay Dating Ad for Super Bowl Christian Post (blog)  - (blog) all 261 news articles » The Money Times Religion on trial World Magazine California was the first state with a lesbian, gay , bisexual, transgender legislative caucus, which has had eight members over the years. ... Gay Marriage: Prop 8 Trial Rests, and a Key Ruling Awaits TIME Prop 8 Trial, Day 11: Religion Critical Factor To Marriage Ban Passage The San Francisco Appeal Bill: Clergy could refrain from marrying gays San Francisco Chronicle Minneapolis Star Tribune  - Washington Post  - W

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

The Money Times Bill Seeks to Further Define Separation of Church & State for California Marriages LAist (blog) As the gay marriage debate continues in the courts and within communities, a newly introduced bill by State Senator Mark Leno may win over church leaders ... Bill: Clergy could refrain from marrying gays San Francisco Chronicle all 1,326 news articles » Tenn. School Board OKs Bible Study Guidelines Christian Post ... and breach the separation of church and state , Herron has argued that it would not force schools throughout the state to offer Bible classes. ... Bible curriculum is permitted in Tennessee schools TN tells high schools how to teach the Bible The Tennessean all 24 news articles » Troy council finds home at church Troy Record Councilman Michael LoPorto, D-At Large, said that he would rather be meeting in a government building because of the idea of separation of church and state . ... Tebo