
Showing posts from January, 2011

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Rodricks is wrong on separation of church and state Baltimore Sun Although I am a very strong supporter of same-sex marriage, I want to object to Dan Rodricks' characterization of the separation of church and state in ... and more » Your mail: Separating church , state Alexandria Town Talk Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut in 1802 led to the Establishment Clause " Separation of church and state . ... Jefferson's letter gives real story of religion's place in America St. George Daily Spectrum all 3 news articles » Ala. Governor Comments Stir Debate On Church , State NPR ... from detractors and defenders alike, few considered the difficulty in drawing a bright line when it comes to the separation of church and state . ... and more » Miller's stance on gay marriage isn't protected free speech Baltimore Sun (blog) ... President Thomas V. Mike Miller's argument for tra

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Homosexual groups & advocates grimace at two recent local church issues Homosexuals and their faith-based advocates in Colorado Springs are upset at two news-worthy revelations in the past week, and they say both aim to undermine their legitimacy in society, culture, and religion. Early last week, Outreach, Inc., a San Diego-based marketing and publishing company that distributes faith-based materials, announced it will relocate its headquarters to Colorado Springs ... Outrageous teachings by new GZ mosque big The new imam at the Ground Zero mosque and cultural center believes people who are gay were probably abused as children and that people who leave Islam and preach a new religion should be jailed. Abdallah Adhami's remarks on homosexuals, religious freedom and other topics have brought renewed criticism... Quinn signs civil unions bill Gov. Pat Quinn this afternoon signed into law a measure legalizing civil unions for same-sex couples f

Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Miller's stance on gay marriage isn't protected free speech Baltimore Sun (blog) Some of the couples are religious , some aren't; and in some states, some of the couples are gay too... and their marriages have ZERO impact on Mr. Miller's ... and more » < 10img src="" alt="" border="1" width="80" height="80" /> Daily Mail There Are More Reasons To Not Eat Chik-Fil-A Than Fitting Into Your Skinny Jeans Autostraddle < The Interwebs have been abuzz recently about Chik-Fil-A's supposed anti- gay leaning. The company has always been linked to religious values: the chain is ... The Cycle PRWeek Chick-fil-A: Which Comes First, Chicken or Christians? Yahoo! News World Congress of Families Decries Attack on Pro-Family Restaurant Chain by ... Christian News Wire (press release) Media Research Center  - Atlanta Journal Constitution all 96 news a

Video: Stephen Fry on Catholicism

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Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Homosexual groups & advocates grimace at two recent local church issues Homosexuals and their faith-based advocates in Colorado Springs are upset at two news-worthy revelations in the past week, and they say both aim to undermine their legitimacy in society, culture, and religion. Early last week, Outreach, Inc., a San Diego-based marketing and publishing company that distributes faith-based materials, announced it will relocate its headquarters to Colorado Springs ... Outrageous teachings by new GZ mosque big The new imam at the Ground Zero mosque and cultural center believes people who are gay were probably abused as children and that people who leave Islam and preach a new religion should be jailed. Abdallah Adhami's remarks on homosexuals, religious freedom and other topics have brought renewed criticism... State bodies must spend £30m a year on equality audits Public sector bodies will have to spend £30million a year on new equality a