
Showing posts from May, 2009

From both sides (T12R-5)

Grand Forks Herald Meet in the Middle March Makes Its Way Through the Valley KMPH Fox 26, CA "30 years after Harvey Milk dave this life for the LGBT movement, I am still less than a heterosexual when it comes to my civil rights," said Black, who wrote the screenplay for "Milk". He told those in attendance to take a different approach if, ... Meet me in the Middle for Marriage Equality Daily Kos all 703 news articles How Do I Tell My Mom...? That some do support gay rights and are accepting and proud of their LGBT children. That their are many Christian parents who accept their LGBT children. I guess apart from talking to her about this and trying ting to make her understand your point of view ... Windy City Times Views: Idol, marriage and symbolism Windy City Times, IL Hopefully, LGBT youth will not view this as a setback, but as a success, to have someone get 49 million votes despite the som

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Respect Is a Two-Way Street (Zenit News Agency) ROME, MAY 31, 2009 ( ).- The issue of legalizing same-sex marriages continues to be at the forefront of debate. On Tuesday the Californian Supreme Court upheld a referendum, Proposition 8, which modified the state constitution to restrict marriage to heterosexual couples. A gay Muslim in EastEnders? Big deal ( When I first read that the BBC soap opera EastEnders was gearing up for a storyline involving a Muslim man locking lips with a gay character my first reaction was, who watches EastEnders anymore anyway and well, how about that for a sensationalist stunt to win a tired old soap some headlines while sending the rightwing tabloids into a frenzy at the gay-Muslim spectacle. Nancy Eshelman: Why do we deny basic rights to people in love? (The Patriot-News) Who among us doesn't want to love or be loved? Who among us is blind to the hate in the world? That's why we celebrate love.

GayTalk - LGBTQIA Talk Radio, News, Chat and Music

5/31/2009 - 9:00 AM PST DAILY - GayTalk at 9 AM (PST) every day. Live text chat, talk radio, and news; all with a LGBTQIA slant! Attend our live show at 9 AM PST everyday by visiting . You may call in during the live show by dialing (724) 444-7444 (input the Call ID number 35331). If you aren't able to call in during the live show call our voicemail at (360) 283-5052 or send me email . Join me daily (9 AM PST) for some laughs along with your news, except on Sundays when we have an open forum roundtable. Hear todays show (click here) . We are on a mission to start a new dedicated LGBT Channel/Station. To hear more about this, click here . To help us organize, join us at Donations and or sponsors are welcome (click here) . Please visit . All the best to you and yours. -tom

GayTalk - LGBTQIA Talk Radio, News, Chat and Music

5/30/2009 - 9:00 AM PST DAILY - GayTalk at 9 AM (PST) every day. Live text chat, talk radio, and news; all with a LGBTQIA slant! Attend our live show at 9 AM PST everyday by visiting . You may call in during the live show by dialing (724) 444-7444 (input the Call ID number 35331). If you aren't able to call in during the live show call our voicemail at (360) 283-5052 or send me email . Join me daily (9 AM PST) for some laughs along with your news, except on Sundays when we have an open forum roundtable. Hear todays show (click here) . We are on a mission to start a new dedicated LGBT Channel/Station. To hear more about this, click here . To help us organize, join us at Donations and or sponsors are welcome (click here) . Please visit . All the best to you and yours. -tom

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Lynchburg News and Advance Update on the latest in religion news: | North Dakota News KXMC, ND AP Washington (AP) The group Americans United for Separation of Church and State wants the Internal Revenue Service to review Liberty University's tax-exempt status because the Christian school revoked its recognition of a student-run Democratic club. ... Watchdog Group Urges IRS to Review Liberty U. on Issue of Club Chronicle of Philanthropy (subscription) Church - State Watchdog Seeks IRS Probe Over School's Democrats 'Ban' Christian Post Group asks IRS to review Liberty University's tax-exempt status Lynchburg News and Advance PR Newswire (press release)  - Richmond Times Dispatch all 274 news articles BBC News No separation between church and 8 Dallas Voice, TX The courts in Iowa realized that prohibition of same-sex marriage is little more than a blurring of church - state separation and they threw it out. Unfortunately, the Cal

Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

Image A Matchbox-Sized Argument for Gay Marriage NewsBusters If he did, he wouldn't make claims like this: “There isn't one person who is against gay marriage that can give me a reason why it shouldn't be legal without bringing God or their religion into it.” We're game. Here are two non-religious reasons: the ... Video: Gay Groups Call Federal Marriage Suit Premature The Associated Press Abolish The Marriage License Forbes Gay marriage remains question of legal rights The Exponent Colorado Springs Gazette  - San Francisco Chronicle all 4,765 news articles Divorce religion from gay marriages The Patriot-News -, PA Most states, including ours, deny gay people the right to marry who they love. A Pennsylvania senator wants to change that. Sen. Daylin Leach, D-Montgomery County, said he will introduce a bill that would establish full and equal marriage rights for ... Religion clause is added to gay marr

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Nancy Eshelman: Why do we deny basic rights to people in love? (The Patriot-News) Who among us doesn't want to love or be loved? Who among us is blind to the hate in the world? That's why we celebrate love. We feel joy when people marry or celebrate anniversaries. Big issue, many views, one small protest in Temecula (The Temecula Valley News) [youtube][/youtube] The online call to gather at the Temecula Duck Pond to protest the California Supreme Courts decision to uphold Proposition 8 was answered by a small group of about 25 to 35 people. Armed with markers and poster board, they practiced their right to assemble on the corner of Rancho California Road and Ynez Road on Tuesday evening. ... Pope meets Israeli PM, discusses Iran threat (Reuters) (Yahoo!7 World News) NAZARETH, Israel (Reuters) - Pope Benedict practiced dialogue and diplomacy on Thursday, discussing Iran's threats against Israel wi

From both sides (T12R-5)

BBC News Meet in the Middle March Makes Its Way Through the Valley KMPH Fox 26, CA "30 years after Harvey Milk dave this life for the LGBT movement, I am still less than a heterosexual when it comes to my civil rights," said Black, who wrote the screenplay for "Milk". He told those in attendance to take a different approach if, ... Video: Gay Groups Call Federal Marriage Suit Premature The Associated Press Protestors Rally Against Prop 8 Ruling The Santa Barbara Independent Meet me in the Middle for Marriage Equality Daily Kos  - Pollstar all 4,561 news articles How Do I Tell My Mom...? That some do support gay rights and are accepting and proud of their LGBT children. That their are many Christian parents who accept their LGBT children. I guess apart from talking to her about this and trying to make her understand your point of view ... Windy City Times Views: Idol, marriage and

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Nancy Eshelman: Why do we deny basic rights to people in love? (The Patriot-News) Who among us doesn't want to love or be loved? Who among us is blind to the hate in the world? That's why we celebrate love. We feel joy when people marry or celebrate anniversaries. Big issue, many views, one small protest in Temecula (The Temecula Valley News) [youtube][/youtube] The online call to gather at the Temecula Duck Pond to protest the California Supreme Courts decision to uphold Proposition 8 was answered by a small group of about 25 to 35 people. Armed with markers and poster board, they practiced their right to assemble on the corner of Rancho California Road and Ynez Road on Tuesday evening. ... Pope meets Israeli PM, discusses Iran threat (Reuters) (Yahoo!7 World News) NAZARETH, Israel (Reuters) - Pope Benedict practiced dialogue and diplomacy on Thursday, discussing Iran's threats against Israel wi

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would support LGBT Civil Rights

by Sylvia Rhue, Ph.D Recently I spent an hour talking to Rev. Eric Lee, the President and CEO of the Los Angeles Southern Christian Leadership Conference. I told him how I met Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1964, my friends and I going door to door to raise money for the cause, how we saw Dr. King every time he came to Los Angeles. We talked about how the organizers of the King Day Parade in Atlanta invited Keith Boykin (one of the founders of the National Black Justice Coalition) and I to walk at the front of the March to represent LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) people. I had just been interviewed for an article on Black clergy responses to equal marriage rights for same-sex couples and I was asked how I felt about Black clergy who work against LGBT rights. I told the journalist that if he had been around in the 60's during the Civil Rights Movement he would know that many, many Black ministers didn't sign on to the Civil Rights Movement. In fact Dr. King was k

From both sides (T12R-5)

*Hundreds march for gay marriage in central California* Published: 05.30.09,7340,L-3723501,00.html Hundreds of same-sex couples are marching through dusty California farm towns in the state's conservative center to kick off the latest front in the battle... How Do I Tell My Mom...? That some do support gay rights and are accepting and proud of their LGBT children. That their are many Christian parents who accept their LGBT children. I guess apart from talking to her about this and trying to make her understand your point of view ... Windy City Times Views: Idol, marriage and symbolism Windy City Times, IL& lt;/font> Hopefully, LGBT youth will not view this as a setback, but as a success, to have someone get 49 million votes despite the sometimes-subtle homophobia of the judges and the media, and despite a Christian push for votes to Kris. ... The