
Showing posts from June, 2009

From both sides (T12R-5)

FOXNews Obama: I Am A Champion For Gay Americans CBS News "I know that many in this room don't believe that progress has come fast enough, and I understand that," Mr. Obama said at a reception for LGBT Pride Month ... Obama Pledges to Ally with Gays for More 'Progress' Christian Post Obama meets with gay groups at 'Pride Month' reception at White House White House Gay Reception Streamed Live Today The Moderate Voice Opposing Views all 469 news articles » The IoS Pink List - the great and good LGBT in the UK Of course, it's not a complete list because they've not mentioned Ryan and Tim from AfterElton's Gay in the UK vlog and nor have they mentioned Dr Christian ... and more » New federation to advocate conservative values But the leader of one LGBT group expressed skepticism about the impact of the new group. Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay &am

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

Turkey: Football Referee, Barred for Being Homosexual, Fights for Rights (EurasiaNet) BY NICHOLAS BIRCH Turkey̢۪s football authorities are at the center of a developing scandal, in which the dropping of a referee is turning into a civil rights test case. The referee at the center of the case, Halil Ibrahim Dincdag, maintains he was let go because of his homosexuality, and he is challenging the Turkish Football Federation̢۪s decision in a local court. EDITORIAL COMMENT | One Step Too Far (The Times of India) What's common between sex and religion? That both are best left to civil society and the consciences of private individuals, rather than allowed to become a police matter. Sunday saw the happy coming out party of gays, lesbians and queers in cities across India. Stonewall legacy (BBC News) The riot that changed America's sexual politics Kalamazoo OK's LGBT Rights Ordinance (The Advocate) The city commission of

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Church & state 'neighbors" Dallas Baptist Standard But the best illustrations of why we need healthy separation of church and state can be ripped from the headlines of our summer newspapers. ... and more » Separation of Mosque and Mosul Huffington Post ... in Iran what Thomas Jefferson in 1802 in a letter to Baptist ministers in which he first coined the idea of "a wall separating Church and State . ... Questions for Reza Pahlavi New York Times Locals weigh in on Iran Petoskey News-Review all 5,178 news articles » Malaysia Star Complex Forces Behind the Veil Washington Post Blogs We too easily conflate the notion of the separation of Church and State in France and the USA, when in fact the different histories of these two nations ... Qaida warns France of revenge over burqa stance Times of India all 74 news articles » Church , State Sharing A Roof At West Hartford's Conard High School Hartford Co

From both sides (T12R-5)

ABC News Obama: I Am A Champion For Gay Americans CBS News "I know that many in this room don't believe that progress has come fast enough, and I understand that," Mr. Obama said at a reception for LGBT Pride Month ... White House Gay Reception Streamed Live Today The Moderate Voice all 392 news articles » AFTAH Warns of Obama's Radical Homosexual Agenda as President ... DFW Catholic This afternoon, President Obama will meet with homosexual and transsexual activists at a “Reception for LGBT Pride Month.” AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera ... and more » Times Online EDITORIAL COMMENT | One Step Too Far Times of India This, and not the fact that people indulge in homosexual relationships, is a perversion. The state has no business in regulating sexual affairs between ... RIGHTS: Queer Parade Defies Anachronistic Indian Law Inter Press Service Church to Oppose Legalization of Gay Sex in India Christian Post all 204

Gay/LGBT Religious News (T22R-1)

WNCT Update on the latest in religion news: | North Dakota News KXMC WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama says that while he's dedicated to expanding gay rights, many Americans still cling to what he calls "worn arguments ... Supreme Court won't get involved in school's blocking of Bible club Longview Daily News High court won't hear Kent schools Bible-club case Seattle Times Court won't get involved in Bible club question The Associated Press KPLU  - Education Week News (subscription) all 170 news articles » Labor secretary denounces gay pride poster vandals The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) â€" Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is denouncing vandals who defaced many of the gay pride posters installed at the agency's Washington ... and more » Times Online Coming out atheist vs. coming out gay In the Catholic religion with which I was raised, there is a sacrament of Confirmation that happens

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

EDITORIAL COMMENT | One Step Too Far (The Times of India) What's common between sex and religion? That both are best left to civil society and the consciences of private individuals, rather than allowed to become a police matter. Sunday saw the happy coming out party of gays, lesbians and queers in cities across India. Stonewall legacy (BBC News) The riot that changed America's sexual politics Anti-Discrimination Ordinance Passes Unanimously in Kalamazoo (FOX 17 Grand Rapids) The City Commission voted unanimously to approve an ordinance that bans descrimination, but not everyone was in favor of the measure. Dozens of people packed the Kalamazoo City Commission chambers tonight over an Anti-Discrimination ordinance. Roundup: News From Around the Web (The Advocate) LGBT Pride posters defaced at the U.S. Department of Labor, Bernie Madoff sentenced and more. Stonewall legacy (BBC News) The riot that changed Am

From both sides (T12R-5)

The ios Pink List - the great and good LGBT in the UK Of course, it's not a complete list because they've not mentioned Ryan and Tim from afterelton's Gay in the UK vlog and nor have they mentioned Dr Christian ... and more » Anti-gay bias still rampant in the media: When will broadcasters ... New York Daily News Forty years ago this week, LGBT patrons of New York City's Stonewall Inn, long tired of police harassment, took to the streets in protest following yet ... and more » Group Petitions to Expand 1964 Civil Rights Act to Include LGBT Towleroad Dr. Mel White, Founder, Soulforce and author of Stranger at the Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America., Mandy Carter, an African-American lesbian ... and more » By Thaddeus M. BaklinskiTORONTO, June 29, 2009 ( - Toronto's sordid display of homosexual licentiousness, the 'gay pride' parade, which annually feature

Recent Religious Headlines [T11R-4]

EDITORIAL COMMENT | One Step Too Far (The Times of India) What's common between sex and religion? That both are best left to civil society and the consciences of private individuals, rather than allowed to become a police matter. Sunday saw the happy coming out party of gays, lesbians and queers in cities across India. Stonewall legacy (BBC News) The riot that changed America's sexual politics Michael DeJong: 40 Years Old and All I Get is This Damn Rainbow Flag? (The Huffington Post) The modern "Gay Rights Movement" has had and still has racism, classism, misogyny, ageism, and trans-phobia at its core. Stonewall legacy (BBC News) The riot that changed America's sexual politics Anti-gay bias still rampant in the media: When will broadcasters grow up? (New York Daily News) In early May, National Public Radio, a supposed bastion of liberal media bias, found itself in the cross hairs of the lesbia

Headlines: Separation of Church and State (T23R-2)

Hindus & Jews want separation of church and state in Denmark World News Hindus and Jews have urged for separation of church and state in Denmark, where currently The Danish National Church is a state church . ... and more » Complex Forces Behind the Veil Washington Post Blogs We too easily conflate the notion of the separation of Church and State in France and the USA, when in fact the different histories of these two nations ... and more » What is a Baptist: Part 6 Now, we will be talking about the S in the acrostic BAPTIST, which means separation of Church and State . There seems to be a confusion of what separation of ... Herbert A. Opalek: Being a responsible Christian Merced Sun-Star Bible distortion Kansas City Jewish Chronicle all 63 news articles » Manslaughter trial begins for 'faith healing' parents Green, the former general counsel for Americans United for Separation of Church an