
Showing posts from July, 2008

Rumors: Anglicans to force Bishop Gene Robinson out?

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent Times UK A new pastoral forum is to be set up to bring rebel provinces into line in the Anglican Communion. The 650 bishops meeting at the Lambeth Conference in Kent debated proposals yesterday for a body headed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, that would prevent any more consecrations of gay bishops or same-sex blessings. The forum will also clamp down on "cross-border interventions" such as those where conservative bishops from Africa have consecrated bishops to pastor congregations in the United States. The document says the forum is needed because repeated requests for moratoria on gay consecrations, same-sex blessings and cross-border interventions have not been heeded. The document says the moratoria asked for on a number of previous occasions are to be understood as "retrospective". The strong implication of this is that the openly-gay Bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson, must resign if the Anglican

Mormons Postpone Meeting with LDS Gays

by 365Gay Newscenter Staff (Salt Lake City, Utah) A face-to-face meeting between representatives of gay Mormons and church leaders that was to have taken place next month has been indefinitely postponed by the head of the LDS branch that had agreed to it. Latter Day Saints President Thomas S. Monson agreed to a meeting in April with leaders of Affirmation, an organization for LGBT members of the LDS church, Fred Riley, commissioner of family services for the LDS, and Harold C. Brown, the agency’s past commissioner. Affirmation had sought such a meeting for several years. It was to have taken place Aug. 11. But in a letter to Affirmation, Riley suddenly called off the discussion, noting he was preparing to leave his position and that the meeting would best be handled by his successor, who has not yet been named. The search for a replacement for Riley to head the Commission of Family Services has begun but could take up to six months. full article

Biblical clarification regarding homosexuality

There is no word in biblical Greek or Hebrew that is equivalent to the English word homosexual. The 1946 Revised Standard Version (RSV) New Testament was the first translation to use the word homosexual. There is no word in biblical Greek or Hebrew for “sodomy” or “sodomite.” A Sodomite would have been simply an inhabitant of Sodom, just as a Moabite would have been an inhabitant of Moab, though the word sodomite does not show up in biblical Greek or Hebrew. Any translation of the Bible making use of the words sodomy or sodomite are clear interpretations and not faithful translations. The Bible really does not fully address the topic of homosexuality. Jesus never talked about it. The prophets never talked about it. In Sodom homosexual activity is mentioned within the context of rape (raping angels nonetheless), and in Romans 1:24-27 we find it mentioned within the context of idolatry (Baal worship) involving lust and dishonorable passions. 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 talk

Tenn. man shot churchgoers over liberal views

By DUNCAN MANSFIELD, Associated Press Writer The York Daily Record KNOXVILLE, Tenn.—An out-of-work truck driver (Jim D. Adkisson) accused of opening fire at a Unitarian church, killing two people, left behind a note suggesting that he targeted the congregation out of hatred for its liberal policies, including its acceptance of gays, authorities said Monday. Adkisson's ex-wife once belonged to the church but hadn't attended in years, said Ted Jones, the congregation's president. Adkisson remained jailed Monday on $1 million bond after being charged with one count of murder. More charges are expected. Four victims were hospitalized in critical condition. full article

Islamic officials bust transvestites gala in Malaysia

Agence France-Presse KUALA LUMPUR--Islamic officials in Malaysia detained 16 transvestites for taking part in a beauty pageant, according to a newspaper report here Sunday. The participants were held as they contested the "Miss Universe Asia 2008" title at a resort hotel in the northeastern state of Kelantan, which is ruled by the Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS), the New Sunday Times said. The PAS wants to turn Malaysia into a theocratic state under Islamic rule, and has made headlines for ordering fines for women wearing skimpy clothes and stricter enforcement of laws on separate male and female queues in shops. Mohamad Abdul Aziz, chief assistant director of enforcement in the state, told the paper that 16 people aged between 20 and 30 were detained. Mohamad said action would be taken against the transvestites under Islamic Sharia law "for dressing and acting like a woman." They could be fined or jailed for six months if found guilty, he said. full a

Followup: Gay Son arrested for filing false report against father

BACKSTORY By 365gay Newscenter Staff Anderson County, S.C. -- An 18-year-old, who had told police he was beaten by his father after attending a gay pride parade, was charged Thursday with filing a false police report. Dwight Clark Ables told police last week that his father yelled, swung the bat and tried to “cast the demon of homosexuality out of him.” Investigators said Thursday they had found no evidence to support any of the allegations. full article

Pennsylvania activist judges?

When the California supreme court made gay marriage a reality many were screaming "activists judges". At Pam's House Blend we read how the Pennsylvania supreme court has reversed hate crime legislation in that state. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision striking down amendments that added sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, gender, and mental and physical disability to the state hate crime law. The law, known as the Ethnic Intimidation and Institutional Vandalism Act, was amended in 2002 to include protections for these groups by a two-thirds majority of the state legislature. Then-governor Mark Schweiker signed it into law. The lower court ruled last November that the law was invalid because it had been tacked onto another, nonrelated bill. The ruling did not criticize the content of the law, only the way in which it had been passed. I would imagine few from the religious right consider these judges "activists judges"?

Dobson's Nomination to Radio Hall of Fame Protested Truth Wins Out, a gay rights advocacy group, launched a campaign Thursday protesting the recent nomination of Focus on the Family founder and president James Dobson to the Radio Hall of Fame. Dobson went on to cite the parenting book of child psychologist Kyle Pruett, Fatherneed, as supporting Dobson’s claim. In a video clip posted on Truth Wins Out’s website, Pruett decried Dobson’s citation of his book. “I was disappointed, I was dismayed, and frankly, I was…mortified that my work would be in paragraphs of the conclusion that [Dobson] drew," Pruett said, adding, "There is no science that says those children [who are raised by gay or lesbian couples] are at risk.” Dobson also referred to the work of Carol Gilligan, a professor at New York University’s School of Law, in the article. Dobson portrayed her as siding with his criticism of Mary Cheney and her partner. Following the publication of the article, in a direct letter to Dobson, Gilligan wrote, “Not only did

Homosexual bishops face Anglican Church ban

By Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Religious Affairs Correspondent Liberals will be warned that they face being expelled from the heart of Anglicanism unless they respect the ban, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt. The American church caused deep divisions between conservatives and liberals when it consecrated Gene Robinson as the first openly homosexual Anglican bishop in 2003. There have been reports that it is prepared to consecrate more gay bishops while the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, told this newspaper that he would be willing to do the same. The proposal to ban future consecrations is the most significant move yet over the issue. The paper, which was commissioned by Dr Rowan Williams, will be debated by 650 bishops tomorrow at the Lambeth conference in Canterbury, the once-a-decade gathering of the Anglican Communion. full article

"Family group" targets judge over gay-rights ties

By John Agar The Grand Rapids Press ALLEGAN COUNTY -- An organization that promotes family values is attacking a judge, using recorded phone calls that tell voters about his ties to homosexual groups. Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association, said Allegan County Circuit Judge William Baillargeon has a "long history of involvement with homosexual activist groups that promote so-called homosexual 'marriage' and other radical elements of the homosexual agenda ... ." However, the Circuit Court race -- Baillargeon is being challenged by attorney Kevin Cronin -- isn't until November. When told this by a Press reporter, Glenn said: "At worst, Allegan County voters will become aware of the information sooner than planned. We think this campaign is going to be enough so that voters become aware of his history." Baillargeon said he was disappointed by the "nonsense" allegations that serve only to cause fear. He urged voters to talk to pol

Rent boy blackmailed priest for two years

By VICTORIA WELDON A RENT boy tormented a gay Catholic priest for more than two years by threatening to expose his sexuality, a court heard yesterday. John Gallagher forced the 61-year-old to pay £3,000 for his silence and regularly visited the chapel house in Glasgow to demand cash. The pair met in Kelvingrove Park in the city's West End, where the cleric often went to use the services of male prostitutes. Gallagher, 30, found out that his client was a priest and began extorting money from him, threatening to go to the press if he didn't pay up. The cleric carried on giving Gallagher cash when he saw him at the park, until July last year, when Gallagher followed him and found out where he lived. He showed up at the chapel house the next day and demanded money. Local police received information that a priest in the area was being blackmailed. Officers visited the priest, who told them what had been going on. Gallagher was later traced and arrested at his home addre

Muslim Congressman "honoured" to join fight for gay equality

by Staff Writer Pink News UK The first Muslim to be elected to the United States Congress has given very public support to gay rights. In a statement on his website Keith Ellison, who has represented the Fifth Congressional District of Minnesota in the House of Representatives since January 2007, said: "I am proud to join Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin and Congressman Barney Frank today in launching the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus." Ms Baldwin and Mr Frank are the only openly gay people in Congress. full article

Lutheran church in Houston is about to ordain lesbian pastor in violation of denomination rules

by Jeffrey Weiss The Dallas Morning news Some of this is confusing, but here are the basics: Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas, is scheduled to ordain Lura Groen as its pastor on Saturday. She'll be the first openly gay pastor at an ELCA church in Texas. It's a "reconciling" congregation with a long history of support for GBLT causes and sees that as a theological calling. full article

LAMBETH: Archbishop of Sudan to TEC Bishop Gene Robinson - "Resign"

by Hans Zeiger with David W. Virtue Virtue Online CANTERBURY-The Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan today declared that Gene Robinson, the openly gay Bishop of New Hampshire, "should resign for the sake of the church." In a press conference at the decennial Lambeth Conference, the Most Rev. Dr. Daniel Deng Bul said that homosexual ordination "is not what is found in the Bible" and that it is "not the norm of the Anglican world." Archbishop Bul, who serves as Bishop of Juba as well as primate of the church in Sudan, represents some of the most persecuted Christian minorities in the world. The Episcopal Church of Sudan has grown from eleven dioceses, fifteen years ago, to twenty-four dioceses today. Dr. Bul rose to the archbishopric at the end of 2007. full article

Activist group ordains women Catholic priests BOSTON (AP) - An activist group hoping to pressure the Roman Catholic church into dropping its long-standing prohibition on women in the priesthood is planning an ordination ceremony for three women in Boston. The group known as Roman Catholic Womenpriests says it will hold the ceremony at a Protestant Church in Boston on Sunday. The group said the three women - Gloria Carpeneto of Baltimore, Judy Lee of Fort Myers, Fla., and Gabriella Velardi Ward of New York City - are responding to a call to serve the church. The Vatican has warned that women taking part in ordination ceremonies will be excommunicated. full article

Bishop Gene Robinson accuses opponents of 'idolatry'

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent The Times UK The Bishop of New Hampshire, the Right Rev Gene Robinson, is to defy the Archbishop of Canterbury by turning up uninvited at Canterbury for the Lambeth conference this week. The Times has learnt that the crisis is likely to worsen, whatever is decided at the conference, because the Episcopal Church of the US plans to overturn its pledge not to consecrate any more openly gay or lesbian bishops. The US church, which will dominate the conference with 125 bishops attending, is expected then to elect rapidly and consecrate a further five or six such bishops. Bishop Robinson, speaking to The Times at St Mary's Church, Putney, before preaching there last night, said “When young men are knifing each other on the streets of London and a billion or more people are living on less than $1 a day, why is the Anglican Communion tearing itself apart over two men wanting to make a Christian family together?” Adding that he was totally orthodox on d

Many Mormons appalled by Latter-day Saints

By Derek Price The Salt Lake Tribune When The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently announced it would jump into California politics by supporting a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, many Mormons - including myself - were appalled. Some members were upset that their tithing donations would be used to support a political agenda with which they disagree. Others were disappointed to see the church once again veer from its hollow claim of "political neutrality." And some found it laughable that the LDS church, which was founded by people with famously liberal marriage arrangements, is now taking a "one man, one woman" stance. Isn't that a little ironic? full article

Humanity report card on self control: F-

Not long ago we heard news about a group of teens stoning a school bus full of young Jewish students , in New York. Today I read about a Mexican immigrant who was killed by a group of teens in Pennsylvania. There has been a rash of graffiti , noose hangings , cross burning and anti-gay hate incidents throughout our country. One must feel distressed over what type of parents are raising these children? Some would say it's high time the parents were held responsible for their children's actions. After all, hate is TAUGHT and is a choice. If a teen doesn't possess sufficient self control or know right from wrong the parents have failed miserably. Of course this brand of hate is not limited to teens. Hate has become a cancer, eating away at humanity from the inside out. If everyone were to cast aside self control and act out on their personal beliefs the world would be in mass chaos. For those arrogantly feeling the need to do so the punishment should be s

Australian Protest Calls Pope “Homophobic”

By On Top Magazine Staff A coalition of groups – including atheist and gay groups – rallied in Sydney, Australia against Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday. The NoToPope Coalition says Pope Benedict XVI's stand against homosexuality makes him “chief homophobe.” The group also believes the Pope's views on abortion and contraception are unacceptable. Earlier in the week, the coalition was facing a serious threat to their plans as a new ordinance banned anyone from “annoying” the pilgrims. However, a federal court agreed with the protesters right to free speech, striking down the ban. full article

Holy Father bashes gay son

By Pearce Adams The Anderson Independent Mail Anderson, South Carolina - Violence broke out Sunday in Anderson when an 18-year-old man returned home from a gay pride parade and was assaulted by his father. During the assault, the teen's 49-year-old father yelled, cursed, swung a baseball bat, prayed and tried to “cast the demon of homosexuality out of him,” according to the teen's version of events to Deputy S.C. Weymouth, the incident report states. FOLLOWUP/UPDATE full article

"Ex-Gay" Group Exodus International Mounts Conference, Draws Counter-Educational Efforts

by Kilian Melloy EDGE Boston The annual conference of Exodus International, a group that claims to "help" gay people "reject" their homosexual urges and identity, is underway in North Carolina. Conference attendee Jaye Thomas, a Rutherfordton resident who works with a group called Truth Ministry in Spartanburg, SC, and claims to be a heterosexual man who once was gay, goes so far as to characterize being gay as "the bondage of sex addiction." That message leaves a lot about gay life--family, children, deep and abiding devotion to a life partner--out of the picture, which is focused sharply on sex. full article

The Burning Times Revisited

In a Feature article at Inside Out Australia , deadcircus writes; We’re putting religion under the microscope this month on Same Same, in honour of the Pope’s visit to Australia. This week Jade Starr wades through the history books, only to discover that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Those who did not follow the Catholic ideals were deemed to be witches or heretics and were then persecuted from the late 1400s to early 1700s. The Catholic Church also has a long history of condemnation toward women; they were also a major target during the witch hunts, particularly independent and homeless women. During the many years of slavery, the Catholic Church also stood by doing nothing until the late 1800s, using the Bible to justify their late intervention. Sexuality and gender expression have been one of the biggest taboos throughout the history of the Catholic Church. Sex and the guilt surrounding it has been the largest and most successful fear campaign used against soc

Church's £37,000 award to gay man

BBC News, Wales Stephen Price, 25, of Clydach near Abergavenny, was bullied out of his job at Coleg Trefeca in Brecon by his manager Mair Jones, aged 40. A Cardiff tribunal heard Mrs Jones called him a "stupid poof" and gave him pink fairy toilet paper as a gift. The money was awarded for constructive dismissal and injury to feelings. The church had denied Mr Price's claim for sexual harassment, constructive dismissal and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. The tribunal's panel ruled the church's internal investigation into Mr Price's claims of harassment was unfair, unbalanced, confused and contradictory. " He started as a cheerful and enthusiastic young man and there is no evidence of a vindictive side to his nature nor that his claims were fabricated " Dr Rachel Davies, judge full article with video

Church could appoint Britain's first gay bishop, says Archbishop of Wales

By Jonathan Wynne-Jones The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, told The Sunday Telegraph that practising homosexuals should not be barred from becoming bishops. He accused conservative Anglicans of being “exclusive” and narrow-minded in their opposition to gay clerics. full article

Ian McKellen accuses Anglican church of homophobia

Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent Sir Ian McKellen today waded into the row over gay clergy that has engulfed the Anglican communion, accusing the church of homophobia. The actor, a founding member of the gay rights group Stonewall, claimed that religious leaders shared the same attitude as the armed forces and schools, whose authorities he said had also expressed a problem with homosexuals, fearing they would cause chaos and disintegration of discipline. He said institutions shared a problem with homophobia and "having [that problem], they root around in the Bible for the passages that seem to be relevant". McKellen made the comments during an appearance on BBC1's Andrew Marr Show alongside Gene Robinson, the gay bishop from New Hampshire whose consecration in 2003 and non-celibate relationship with another man, Mark Andrews, has pushed the Anglican communion to the brink of schism. view BBC1 Andrew Marr video read The Guardian article

‘I would ordain first gay bishop’ says Archbishop

from The leader of the Church in Wales has risked inflaming a split in the Anglican Church by declaring: “I would ordain Britain’s first gay Bishop.” The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, said practising homosexuals should not be barred from becoming bishops. He accused opponents of being exclusive and narrow-minded and said the Church should select on ability not sexuality. full article

Same-sex couples also follow Jesus

I applaud Rev. Bruce McDaniel who wrote an opinion piece in the Toledo Blade regarding gay couples. In his recent letter to the editor, the Rev. Russ Merrin stated that "churches promoting being open to gays have lost their way." Today, there are a growing number of churches that have joined the "welcoming church" movement, and yet there are also churches that exclude persons who are in same-gender committed relationships. Pastors such as Mr. Merrin and I simply disagree on the question of whether or not being in a committed same-gender relationship is, in itself, sin. The church universal is also divided on this issue. Mr. Merrin and I, like our country, are divided on the issue of GLBT persons, and whether they can be in committed same-gender relationships and living in God's way for them. I choose to stand with my courageous GLBT brothers and sisters who have chosen Jesus' way of love, even in the face of hate and persecution. I will take my chances on b

Britain: Religious hypocrisy trumps civil rights

Evidently if you live in Britain you don’t have to perform the duties of your job if it is against your religious beliefs. Since we know Britain doesn't shut down on Sundays it's obvious there are many working on the Sabath. Up until this recent news I thought Britain was a forward thinking country. Evidently my assessment was incorrect. For those of you sitting there saying “what the hell is he talking about”, let me explain. First off let’s put this in perspective by stating the Christian Institute bankrolled the lawsuit. The group feels it is their religious duty to impose their views into politics and believe Christians should "participate fully in our democracy." Since it’s a registered “charity” it most likely doesn’t pay taxes. I’m talking about the recent case involving Lillian Ladele a registrar who refused to issue gay marriage licenses because of her religion. So in Britain, in this case, religion trumped the law and that is just plain ridiculous. Islingt

Catholics issue death threats over eucharist cracker

PZ Myers is a Minnesota University professor who has put out a call for a cracker. Due to all the fanfare over a cracker (read below) he has said: Can anyone out there score me some consecrated communion wafers? There's no way I can personally get them — my local churches have stakes prepared for me, I'm sure — but if any of you would be willing to do what it takes to get me some, or even one, and mail it to me, I'll show you sacrilege, gladly, and with much fanfare. I won't be tempted to hold it hostage (no, not even if I have a choice between returning the Eucharist and watching Bill Donohue kick the pope in the balls, which would apparently be a more humane act than desecrating a goddamned cracker), but will instead treat it with profound disrespect and heinous cracker abuse, all photographed and presented here on the web. I shall do so joyfully and with laughter in my heart. If you can smuggle some out from under the armed guards and grim nuns hovering over your lo

California United Methodists make strong pro gay rights statements

By Sam Hodges The Dallas Morning News In a move likely to fuel controversy within the broader denomination, one United Methodist Church legislative body in California has gone on record supporting those who enter into same-sex marriage and another has commended pastors who agree to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies. A UMNS Report By Marta W. Aldrich: The church's California-Pacific Annual Conference, convening June 18-22 in Redlands, approved three measures that support same-gender couples entering into the marriage covenant. Each "encourages both congregations and pastors to welcome, embrace and provide spiritual nurture and pastoral care for these families," according to a June 27 letter to the conference from Bishop Mary Ann Swenson and other conference leaders. full article

This form of ‘Exodus’ is just spiritual abuse

Dr. Daniel Snyder wrote a wonderful article on The Asheville Citizen Times. Here are a few excerpts: Exodus is an inspiring story and has been used in countless sermons and spiritual writings. It is the founding narrative not only for Jews and Christians, but its underlying archetypal image is found in nearly all religious traditions. I find it, therefore, deeply disturbing that The Exodus, of all narratives, would be used to describe a conference being held the week of July 15 at Ridgecrest, the Southern Baptist regional conference center near Black Mountain. Exodus International is an organization for people who presume to “heal” homosexuality. What I find particularly distressing, in addition to the obvious homophobia, is the desecration of a foundational narrative of a religious tradition I cherish. It is a sacrilege. Heal the homophobia I have read the Exodus International Web site and considered your arguments; now I would invite you to consider the possibility that God might be

Video: Scientology’s Anti-Gay Push Thwarted At Toronto Pride

Of course it is not a surprise Scientologists are very anti-gay. Especially with the questionable circumstances surrounding the death of L. Ron Hubbard's gay son. The video documents events outside of a Scientology building in Toronto between the group Anonymous and Scientologists, during gay pride events this year. SCIENTOLOGY PROMOTES HATRED AND VIOLENCE AT GAY PRIDE TORONTO - Anonymous from STOPCanadianHATEGROUP on Vimeo .

San Jose Mayor's office responds

On June 27th I provided information on an article regarding the verbal assault on Presbyterian Assembly attendees in San Jose, California. In the article it stated the police were called and refused to respond. The police stated the altercation was on private property so they couldn’t help. I found this unacceptable and wrote the following letter to the Mayor; Mayor Reed, I was shocked today when I read an article stating your police department refused a call for assistance. It would seem on Wednesday evening Presbyterian Assembly attendees were verbally accosted by protestors. When a call was made to your police department, they refused to respond stating the protestors were on private property. Now I'm positive your police department has on file an arrest which was made on private property based on a verbal assault. Police are to "serve and protect". It seems that is no longer true in your city. Here is an article with the full story:

Bringing the "Voice" of GLBT Africans to Lambeth

By Katie Sherrod The Episcopal Cafe Several of us have been trying for months to figure out how to get the voices of GLBT Africans heard at the Lambeth Conference. Getting them there physically is very difficult, because it's hard for them to get passports and visas. Many of them can't get jobs because they are gay—or in the case of straight allies—because they are sympathetic to the GLBT cause. The British immigration people don't care why they are jobless -- they just won't let them in if they don't have a job to return to. So the idea for a Voices of Witness Africa video, similar to the Voices of Witness 2006 video produced by Louise Brooks for Claiming the Blessing, emerged. It seemed a natural way to bring the African witness into the Lambeth context. But raising money takes time, and the first bloc of funding didn't arrive until the first of June. We videotaped their stories for a video to be shown at Lambeth to as many bishops as we can corral, and perhap

Just the facts ma'm

As most are aware we are in rapidly changing times. Instead of stagnation we actually have progress. A more open-minded populace is coming of age. The term freethinker comes to mind and has been tossed around for ages. Thomas Jefferson was a freethinker. With so many in the younger generation being involved we need something new. I like to think of it as “The Dragnet Movement”. Because of the show “Dragnet” with Sgt. Joe Friday who used to always say “Just the facts ma’m”. Like Sgt. Joe Friday, we modern day Dragnetters just want the facts. We are smart enough to make up our own minds. We aren’t interested in your stories or fables. We will not tolerate any attempts to circumvent our own personal morals and beliefs (which might not be inline with yours). In the United States all religions are equal and none have more say than any other. Ie: some of you Christians need to get off your high horse! In 2007, when the first Muslim was elected to Congress he was sworn in using a Q

Fifty same-sex couples pledge a lifetime of commitment

By MARCUS K. GARNER The Atlanta Journal-Constitution With two words, Rich Ephgrave and Darron Deal on Saturday linked themselves together forever: "I do." "I now pronounce you joined in life and love," the Rev. Tessie Mandeville said as the two men and dozens of other same-sex couples took commitment vows at the Atlanta Pride Festival. one another. And though the state of Georgia outlaws same-sex marriages, the couple said this ceremony was important to them. full article

Jesse Helms’ descent into Hell

The blogs are buzzing with news regarding the death of Jesse Helms. Over at AOL Ken Layne says: " Jesse Helms died today, 25 years too late, but the stench of his rotten career will always linger in the Senate, and over the South." Of course the media makes him sound like some kind of saint. Obviously they have decided to ignore much. In 1988 he said " There is not one single case of AIDS in this country that cannot be traced in origin to sodomy .” In 1993 he sang “Dixie” in an elevator to Carol Moseley-Braun, the first African-American woman elected to the Senate, bragging, “ I’m going to make her cry. I’m going to sing Dixie until she cries .” He launched a senate filibuster against the declaration of Martin Luther King day. Sen. Jesse Helms says the government should spend less money on people with AIDS because they got sick as a result of “deliberate, disgusting, revolting conduct.” “We’ve got to have some common sense about a disease transmitted by peo

Archbishop 'deluded', says local bishop

Barney Zwartz The Age A MELBOURNE Anglican bishop has attacked Sydney Archbishop Peter Jensen for disturbing ordinary Anglicans and endangering young gay people with his "rhetoric" over homosexuality in the church. Bishop Philip Huggins has written to The Age suggesting that Dr Jensen is "deluded" about the Jerusalem conference of 300 evangelical Anglican bishops that ended on Sunday with the launch of a conservative church within a church. In an opinion article in The Age yesterday, Dr Jensen said the new group was a necessary response to the chaos caused by revisionist teaching on homosexuality in the United States and Canada, and that the Jerusalem conference had brought order out of chaos and would renew the worldwide Anglican Church. Melbourne's Vicar-General, Bishop Paul White, wrote to all clergy on Friday saying it would be premature to comment on media reports about division in the global Anglican Church. full article

Archbishop of Armagh invokes scripture in defence of homosexuality

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent The Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev Alan Harper, who is one of 38 primates in the worldwide Anglican Communion, said today that if “reason” were applied to the Bible texts that seem to condemn homosexuality, a different interpretation would be found. He challenged the intellectual rigour of conservatives who use St Paul's epistles — in particular the first chapter of his Letter to the Romans where the Apostle condemns men who commit “unnatural” acts with other men — to bolster their argument that homosexuality is wrong. Archbishop Harper, who will be among the most senior of the 700 bishops at the Lambeth Conference in Canterbury, Kent, this month said that it was “inappropriate” to “anathematise” homosexuals on the basis of what St Paul says in this and other texts. He gave as an example the Genesis account of creation, where the Bible says God made the world in seven days and that the first woman, Eve, was made from Adam&

July 4, 2008 Independence Day

The aliens are coming and their goal is to invade and destroy. This is the byline of a popular movie which shares its’ name with this holiday. Sadly, it could also be an American Indian statement. Uttered upon the invasion of their land. Oddly enough, those who came to America were fleeing oppression. Yet, they oppressed the American Indian. Since the country was founded on hypocrisy it should be no surprise to see hypocrisy flourish as it does in current times. Oppression via hypocrisy has become a fine tuned machine. Oh, happy Independence Day.

Did LDS Church violate tax exempt status with stand on gay marriage?

reported by Chris Vanocur ABC4 News SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - Is the LDS Church violating its tax exempt status by supporting the anti-gay marriage amendment in California? That's the question being asked by one of California's most prominent gay leaders. Kate Kendell is the executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights in San Francisco. The group was the lead counsel in the case before the California Supreme Court, the one which lead to legal gay marriage there. full article

Archbishop of Canterbury hits out at breakaway Anglicans

Riazat Butt, religoius affairs correspondent and Peter Walker The Archbishop of Canterbury accused rebel Anglicans who have launched a breakaway faction within the global communion of lacking legitimacy, authority and, by implication, integrity. Breaking his silence over the threat to the unity of the 77 million-strong communion, Dr Rowan Williams warned leaders of the conservative coalition that "demolishing existing structures" was not the answer to their concerns. "It is ludicrous to say you do not recognise the Archbishop of Canterbury or the see of Canterbury - they are the defining characteristics of Anglicanism," one Lambeth palace official said. "By doing away with the role and the place, these people are becoming a Protestant sect." full article

LDS Professor Speaks Out Against Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

by Jeff Robinson KCPW News (KCPW News) Westminster College professor Jeffrey Nielsen lost his previous teaching job at BYU for criticizing the LDS Church over its opposition to gay marriage, but he's not letting that deter him from speaking out again. After church leaders urged California Mormons last weekend to support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, Nielsen wrote his own open letter to them, encouraging them not to support the amendment. "We can't just say, this is our religious faith, so it should become civil law, but we have to appeal to broader, general moral principles, and I just have to ask myself, what is the moral principle you could appeal to that would discriminate another person, against a gay or lesbian, against a woman, or against a person of color? I don't think there is one," he said. full article