
Showing posts from September, 2008

Recent Religious Headlines

Texas Faith: Should we allow politicking from the pulpit? - Dallas Morning News 9/29/2008 8:04:49 PM Gay Socialites Texas Faith: Should we allow politicking from the pulpit? Dallas Morning News, TX - Sep 29, 2008 Our founding fathers knew only too well that a state where religion and politics crossed did not bode well for tolerance and religious freedom. ... Pastor̢۪s political endorsement draws mixed reactions Grand Forks Herald Metro Views: Politics and religion Jerusalem Post Comment by Erik Stanley senior legal counsel, Alliance Defense Fund FOXNews - Austin Herald all 453 news articles visit www.ReligiousLeft.US

Christian Civic League blames same-sex marriage for Wall Street meltdown

Pam's House Blend Christian fundamentalists are suggesting gays and lesbians are to blame for Wall Street's woes, a frequently made charge in the wake of national calamities. In a September 25th blog post titled 'The Nation Will Right Itself If It Fixes Sex', Christian Civil League of Maine Executive Director Michael Heath writes that the financial crisis facing Wall Street is a symptom of America's sinful sexual culture, including the acceptance of gay unions.

Gay marriage prompts St. Aidan's to split from diocese

Chris Thompson, The Windsor Star The contentious issue of same-sex marriage is at the heart of a move by a Windsor Anglican church to break away from the local diocese and join a more conservative South American wing, the acting bishop of the diocese says. On Sunday, 109 votes were unanimously cast at St. Aidan's parish on Wyandotte Street East in favour of ceding from the Huron Diocese of the Anglican Church of Canada and joining the breakaway Anglican Network in Canada (ANIC), which is part of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. full article

Americans United Urges IRS To Take Action Against Six Churches That Joined Pulpit-Politicking Scheme

Americans United for Separation of Church and State today filed complaints with the Internal Revenue Service about six churches whose pastors endorsed candidates from the pulpit during a mass defiance of federal tax law last Sunday. “These pastors flagrantly violated the law and now must deal with the consequences,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. The six churches reported to the IRS by Americans United today are: Bethlehem Baptist Church, Bethlehem, Ga.: According to press accounts, Pastor Jody Hice “urged his congregation to vote for Sen. John McCain and to not vote for Sen. Barack Obama.” Fairview Baptist Church, Fairview, Okla.: The Associated Press reported that Pastor Paul Blair “says he told his congregation that as a Christian and as an American citizen, he would be voting for John McCain.” Warroad Community Church, Warroad, Minn.: Pastor Gus Booth told his congregation, “We need to vote for the most righteous of candidates. And it doesn

Area churches are divided on same-sex marriage ban

By John Canalis, Staff Writer Press-Telegram, Long Beach, California LONG BEACH - Rick McArdle, a self-proclaimed "street evangelist," disagrees that Proposition 8 would tread on the civil rights of same-sex couples. The member of Parkcrest Community Church in East Long Beach supports the Nov. 4 ballot measure that would ban gay marriage by amending the state Constitution. Just as they interpret Scriptures differently, Long Beach-area churches are not uniformly supportive of Proposition 8. "God loves all people, and we think all relationships of committed love between people are good," said the Rev. Jerald Stinson of First Congregational Church in downtown Long Beach. "We have, for many years, done gay weddings, just without the license, and blessed those relationships." Stinson said about 40 percent of his 500 members are gay, and that the church has taken a strong No-on-8 stance. full article

Morality cannot overshadow fundamental rights: Gay activists

Pink News UK (New Delhi) - - - Stressing that morality cannot overshadow fundamental rights of a citizen, gay rights activists on Thursday argued before the Delhi High Court for decriminalisation of homosexuality among consenting adults. The moral argument cannot triumph over the constitutional rights in a democratic society where fundamental rights prohibit any discrimination on the ground of sex, said advocate Shyam Diwan, appearing on behalf of the activists. He also added that homosexuals in the country do not have full moral citizenship and they are being treated as second-class citizens. A bench comprising of Chief Justice Ajit Prakash Shah and Justice S. Muralidhar was hearing a petition filed by 13 NGOs, including Naz Foundation, seeking the court’s direction to decriminalise homosexual acts among consenting adults by amending Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

Another Anti-gay preacher endorses McCain from pulpit

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution The Rev. Jody Hice fired a verbal volley Sunday in a battle that he believes will return the United States to its American Revolutionary roots. From his pulpit at Bethlehem First Baptist Church outside of Atlanta, he urged his congregation to vote for Sen. John McCain and to not vote for Sen. Barack Obama. He based his recommendations on McCain’s opposition to abortion and gay marriage and Obama’s support of those issues, Hice told the Barrow County church packed with about 400 listeners. full article

Protesting pastors back candidates from the pulpit

By DINESH RAMDE Associated Press WEST BEND, Wis. (AP) — Pastor Luke Emrich prepared his sermon this week knowing his remarks could invite an investigation by the Internal Revenue Service. But that was the whole point, so Emrich forged ahead with his message: Thou shalt vote according to the Scriptures. "I'm telling you straight up, I would choose life," Emrich told about 100 worshippers Sunday at New Life Church, a nondenominational evangelical congregation about 40 miles from Milwaukee. "I would cast a vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin," he said. "But friends, it's your choice to make, it's not my choice. I won't be in the voting booth with you." full article

London professor condemns fundamentalists for misinterpreting his research

Pink News UK A leading British academic has spoken out after his work into homosexuality and depression was presented as proof that gay people are mentally disordered. Fundamentalist Christian news sources LifeSite and OneNewsNow published an article which claimed research by Michael King, University College London's Professor of Primary Care Psychiatry, proves lesbians, gays and bisexuals experience depression because homosexuality itself is a mental disorder. "LifeSite News and OneNewsNow have misinterpreted our review," he said. "Evidence from around the world identifies the main stressors leading to mental distress in gay and lesbian people as discrimination, prejudice, bullying in schools and colleges, and the consequent need for many LGB people to keep their homosexual identity secret, even from their families. "Discrimination on the grounds of sexuality is even more devastating than other forms of discrimination such as racism, as it reaches right into fa

Archbishop of Canterbury urged to create new province for US conservatives

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent The Times Online UK The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams is facing growing pressure to create a new Anglican province for conservatives after a leading evangelical was effectively defrocked in the US. Six senior Church of England bishops have come out in support of deposed US bishop Bob Duncan, declaring themselves “deeply saddened and shocked.” Headed by the Bishop of Winchester, the Right Rev Michael Scott-Joynt, the Bishops of Blackburn, Chester, Chichester, Exeter and Rochester joined in declaring their belief that the deposed Bishop of Pittsburgh remains “a bishop in good standing in the Anglican Communion.” In an interview with The Times, the Bishop of Rochester Dr Michael Nazir-Ali said the time had now come for Dr Williams to create a new province for conservatives in the US. full article

Churches put welcome to gays in writing

By Bob Shaw Pioneer Press, Twin Cities The small church was proud of being open to all people — including homosexuals. The church is pursuing official certification that it is welcoming to gays, lesbians and bisexual and transgendered people. "We have some people who are not happy" about seeking a third party's approval, said Edie Seefeldt, chair of a task force at Community United Church of Christ in St. Paul Park. Interest in the GLBT certification is soaring — with the number of America's certified churches tripling in two years to about 3,100. For the St. Paul Park church, the "Open and Affirming" designation would be granted by officials of the United Church of Christ. About 20 other denominations have similar programs, according to the Rev. Rebecca Voelkel of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. full article

Churches That Violate Law On Pulpit Politicking Will Be Reported To The IRS, Vows Americans United

Americans United for separation of church and state The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), a Religious Right legal group based in Arizona, is urging pastors to endorse or oppose candidates from the pulpit on Sept. 28, even though IRS regulations forbid tax-exempt groups from intervening in political campaigns. Reportedly, about 30 churches will participate. “Taking part in this reckless stunt is a one-way ticket to loss of tax exemption,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. “We’ll be watching, and pastors who violate the law can expect their churches to be reported to the IRS the first thing Monday morning.” Since 1996, Americans United has sponsored Project Fair Play, an effort designed to educate religious leaders about the requirements of federal tax law. AU has filed complaints to the IRS about 85 houses of worship and religious non-profits. One church lost its tax exemption, some have been audited and others have received IRS warnings. Americans United’s

Our Voice

Written by Press Editorial Board Tracy Press, Tracy, California Proposition 8 would outlaw same-sex marriage by adding the following words to the state Constitution: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Despite what this initiative’s supporters say, marriage and domestic partnerships are not the same — and this constitutional right doesn’t dictate health education programs for public schools. We’ve said it before in this space, and we’ll say it again. The freedom to marry is fundamental in our society, just like the freedoms of religion and speech. Our laws should treat everyone equally. No on 8. full article

Anti-gay remarks spur run for Oklahoma House District 84 office

By Michael McNutt, Capitol Bureau Ron Marlett thought about running against state Rep. Sally Kern before her anti-gay comments were aired on the Internet. Those comments convinced him to do so. "The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation; it's just a fact,” Kern said in the YouTube clip. "I've yet to knock a door where people have said, ‘Ron, we're worried to death about the gay agenda,'” Marlett said. "I've not knocked one door where anyone has said that, so her views seem to be way out of touch with what most people think.” Ron's website full article

London to host Muslim LGBT conference

Pink News UK The tenth anniversary of the establishment of a leading Muslim lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans support organisation will be celebrated with a conference in London next month. Imaan is the largest network for Muslim LGBT people outside the USA. Delegates from the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the UK will be joined by representatives of the Metropolitan Police, Stonewall, the Terence Higgins Trust, UK Black Pride at the fourth LGBT Muslim Conference in London from Friday 17 October to Sunday 19 October. The conference is open to all Muslim lesbians, gays, bisexuals and trans people, their family, friends, and supporters. full article

Buffalo Community of the Holy Spirit

ArtVoice, Buffalo's #1 New Weekly When it began four years ago in someone’s living room, Ellen Brauza (known to her flock as “Mother Ellen”) wasn’t sure of the shape of her mission but only that a group of like-minded believers felt called to come together that day. The Buffalo Community of the Holy Spirit has been meeting weekly ever since. “Our sense of mission has developed and is still subject to change as we feel God is leading us,” Brauza says. “We try to provide a safe worship environment for members of the LGBT community, especially those who would not feel safe or welcome in a church building.” The Buffalo Community of the Holy Spirit meets Mondays at the Pride Center, 6-7pm, with a social hour afterwards. For more information, call 852-PRIDE. full article

Video: The rise of religious fascism in India

The greatest threat that India faces today is the curse of religious fascism. First, it was savage violence unleashed on thousands of Christians in Orissa by mobs of disgusting thugs. Read this post to know more . Then the violence spread to other states in India like Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand. All these states have governments run by the right wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the political party which is a part of the umbrella of organisations known as the Sangh Parivar which includes organisations like the Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Sri Ram Sena. Read full article here comment: Once again religion (which is supposed to be about LOVE) equates to violence! Once again the "morality" of religion is in question. I suggest religion itself is in question.

Muslims pouting about DVD

When the Muslim religion shows its hatred for gays we hear very little from the Muslim community. [ link ] [ link ] [ link ] [ link ] But now that a DVD showing Muslim's in a bad light is makinig the rounds, they are up in arms. Since you folks are selective with your simpathy and compassion, don't be surprised to discover "what goes around comes around"! Interesting how quickly you folks yell and scream when the shoe is on the other foot! The name of the movie on the DVD is OBSESSION: RADICAL ISLAM'S WAR AGAINST THE WEST . Click here to view the trailer .

Bosnia must respect gay rights to join EU say MEPs

By Tony Grew Pinks News UK The European Parliament's Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights has condemned the violence at the Sarajevo Queer Festival yesterday as "cowardly behaviour." Michael Cashman Labour MEP for the West Midlands, said that Bosnia-Herzegovina must prove that it respects the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people if it is to stand a chance of becoming a member of the EU. full article

Bosnia's gay week cancelled after attacks

By Daily News Staff The organisers of Bosnia's first-ever gay pride festival have cancelled all their planned events this week, following attacks at the opening ceremony at which eight people were injured. Around 70 young men, some shouting "God is greatest" in Arabic, dragged festival-goers from their cars and attacked them and others on the streets of the Bosnian capital Sarajevo on Wednesday. full article

Man faces possible excommunication from LDS Church for supporting same sex marriage

Reported by: Chris Vanocur ABC 4 News HASTINGS, Neb. (ABC 4 News) - Andrew Callahan is a member of the LDS Church but he thinks not for much longer. Callahan has been speaking out against a gay marriage ban on the California ballot and Callahan now faces excommunication. He says, "We're just wrong and we need to change that and I'm not going to stop when they excommunicate me and I am not going to apologize and beg them to keep me a member of the church." And in his likely last few hours as a Mormon, Callahan wishes that... "..Thomas S. Monson would stand up bravely - like Spencer W. Kimball did in the past - and say enough is enough." full article

Six injured at Sarajevo's Queer Festival

B92 News Dozens of hooligans tried to stop the first exhibition of homosexual culture in Bosnia-Herzegovina. They threw rocks at the Sarajevo Art Academy building during the opening of the event. The police was able to push back the rioters. The hooligans, some with their faces covered, and other with long beards, were yelling insults at the festival participants and shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” full article

San Francisco Folsom Street Fair 2008

Another year and another fair. Sunday, September 28th will mark 25 years for the Folsom Street Fair. Last year the Folsom Streen Fair made headlines with the "Last Supper" photo. Find out more about this years Fair at their website . Anti-Folsom religious groups are already on their way to protest.

Gay blessing vicar is reprimanded

BBC News A vicar in Gwynedd has been reprimanded by the Archbishop of Wales for blessing a gay civil partnership between two women. The service was conducted by the Reverend Jim Cotter at St Hywyn's Church in Aberdaron, with the approval of the local church council. A complaint was made to the Archbishop who wrote to the Rev Cotter telling him he had exceeded his authority. The vicar said he had been given approval by the local church council to carry out the ceremony in July, and he was not aware of any opposition locally. full article

Gun lobbyist Ron Owen ordered to pay lesbians over sticker

by Glenis Green Courier Mail, Australia GYMPIE gun lobbyist and former councillor Ron Owen has been ordered to pay a group of lesbians $12,500 in an Anti-Discrimination Tribunal decision. He has been told he must also also issue a public statement acknowledging he offended the town's homosexual community. The tribunal ruled he is entitled to express his homophobic views, but he went too far with the bumper sticker: "Gay Rights? Under God's law the only rights gays have is the right to die." Mr Owen was also ordered to publish a statement in the Gympie Times within 45 days stating that the tribunal had found he contravened the Anti-Discrimination Act by displaying a bumper sticker on a vehicle, publishing a report to the Cooloola Shire Council, making a comment in an interview broadcast on television and publishing a letter on a website - all of which incited hatred, serious contempt for or severe ridicule of homosexuals. He also has to acknowledge his conduct was un

Pittsburgh Anti-Gay Bishop Defrocked by Episcopal Leaders

Once again the End Bigotry in Venango County blog provides us with an enlightened article. A leading bishop against the inclusion of lesbian and gay people in the U.S. Episcopal Church has been defrocked. The vote on Thursday by the church’s leaders removed Bishop Robert Duncan, head of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, from ordained ministry.

Clergy to oppose Fla. anti-gay amendment

365gay Newscenter Staff (Miami, Florida) Moderate religious leaders from across Florida are speaking out against a proposed amendment to the state constitution which would ban same-sex marriage and could be used to deny benefits to co-habitating non-married couples - both straight and gay. Dozens of pastors and rabbis met in meetings in six areas statewide this week to denounce the proposed amendment, saying they will tell their congregations to vote against it in November. full article

Iran: Death penalty for man accused of homosexuality

AKI Tehran, 23 Sept. (AKI) - Nemat Safavi, arrested almost three years ago at the age of 16, has been condemned to death by a court in Ardebil, in the northwest Iranian Azerbaijan region. Nemat has been accused of having homosexual relations.While that was not stated during the court case, he was accused of "sexual relations that were not admitted". full article

Stop thumping the Bible - start reading it

Scott Maxwell - TAKING NAMES It's election time which, in Florida, means that a small percentage of vocal people will invoke God's name in demanding you join their fight to tell others how to live. And frankly, as a Christian, I'm tired of it. This time, it's Amendment 2 -- the anti-gay-marriage amendment.And we'll be hearing more and more from people who tend to downplay the bulk of the Bible -- which tells us to love and care for one another -- to instead focus on the handful of passages they believe give them a license to discriminate. full article

The Gay Slant: The Mormon Anti-Gay Money Trail

By Walter Weeks , On Top Magazine California -- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormons) is an often misunderstood religious minority (2%) in California, but figures out this week show the 13-million member church is having a huge impact on gay marriage in the State. Mormon members have contributed between 35-and-40% of the money raised to support Proposition 8 – the constitutional amendment that seeks to ban gay marriage in the State. Despite the huge anti-gay bankroll, support for the gay marriage ban has fallen since July. The poll reveals a majority of Catholics (55%) back gay marriage. Both campaigns in California have announced plans to spend approximately $20 million on the issue. Imagine the homeless woman, hungry man, or orphaned child that money might have sparred – wasted on a self-serving attempt to deny basic rights to Americans. full article

Phelps clan scared of pirates?

The Arkansas Times Little Rock -- Seems appropriate for "talk like a pirate day" that the Phelps clan walked the plank this morning after a happy bunch dressed like pirates and holding signs saying "God hates shrimp -- Leviticus" and "G od hates cotton-polyester blends" stood opposite them at the corner of Markham and Scott streets. The group, made up of Central Arkansas Pastafarians , waved swords and growled "Arrghh!" in a manner that would have made Abbie Hoffman proud. With cars honking and waving at the pirates and a TV crew giving them all the attention, the Phelps group -- with a child in tow, sadly -- picked up their "fag" epithets and went away. Pitiful.

Breaking News: Gay wedding held in Australian synagogue

JTA News A same-sex commitment ceremony was held in a synagogue in Sydney, an Australian first. Scott Whitmont, 47, and Christopher Whitmont-Stein, 38, stood under a chupah at the Emanuel Synagogue Sunday in front of about 75 guests. The pair, who had a secular commitment ceremony six years ago, exchanged rings, smashed a glass and walked around each other 3 1/2 times. The celebration follows a decision in May 2007 by the Council of Progressive Rabbis of Asia, Australia and New Zealand to allow its rabbis to officiate at same-sex commitment ceremonies. full article

Islam taking over Europe?

Over at Doc's Talk there's a interesting article in regards to Europe and Islam. Click here to read the article.

Wolf in sheeps clothing?

Fatha Frank over at the Public Christianity blog makes an attempt at tolerance. He is quick to quote the Supreme Court when it is in his favor but seems to forget about them when they’ve made decisions unsupportive of his statements. Interestingly Fatha Frank writes: But to me, calling the name "marriage" a right, and not the rights the name carries (which are provided by civil unions, although only where available), is an argument over semantics. Fatha Frank I’d like to direct your attention to the Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia where the Supreme Court decision states: Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man,"… I direct your attention to the words CIVIL RIGHTS. Oh, by the way, I'll stick with the Merriam-Webster definition of bigotry: big·ot·ry - 1 : the state of mind of a bigot 2 : acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot big·ot - a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especial

Religious Right files complaint against PG&E for support of prop 8

Lawrence Jones, a christian post reporter writes; The Pacific Justice Institute, which specializes in religious freedom and civil liberties, has filed a complaint against the California gas and electric utility provider PG&E for giving over a quarter of a million dollars toward efforts against the California gay "marriage" ban, Proposition 8. Brad Dacus, president of the group, has filed an administrative complaint against Pacific Gas and Electric Company with the California Public Utilities Commission. PG&E provides utilities to approximately 15 million Californians. full article note: In keeping with their twisting of words, the religious right article claims PG&E is being sued. Rather then speaking the truth (a complaint was filed with the utilities commission) they seek to sensationalize. Which says volumes about their desperation!

Rightwing gets it wrong again

The rightwing has twisted words again. Which in this case changed the entire article. They don't wait to start their deception. It's in the first sentence of the article: The original version: The degree of negativity toward homosexuality is what predicts poor sexual and mental health in gay men, according to a University of Minnesota study The rightwing version: Researchers from the University of Minnesota have revealed that the negative attitude towards homosexuality among homosexual men predicts poor mental and sexual health- not the act of being homosexual. Notice how they inserted the 'among homosexual men' part? Click here to read the actual unadulterated article. Click here to read the rightwinger version.

Matthew and the Mega Church/preacher

I’ve met so many folks who tithe to a church weekly, even if they don’t regularly attend. Many of them feel this warrants a reserved seat in heaven. Even more interesting is the church will rarely say anything to these folks about attendance! On the flip side of that coin, we have the mega churches and mega rich preachers, most of who became rich on tithes. How many children grow up thinking: I want to be a preacher because I’ll be rich! For any who actually read the bible, instead of simply listening to what others tell you, Matthew 19:23 talks about rich people and heaven. Here are a few variations of the verse: International Standard Version: Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you with certainty, it will be hard for a rich person to get into the kingdom of heaven. New American Standard Bible: And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. GOD'S WORD® Translation: Jesus said to his disciples, "

Sydney Archbishop helps organize Anglican split

by Linda Morris, Religious Affairs Writer The Sydney Morning Herald THE Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, is helping to organise a breakaway faction of the global Anglican Church that is opposed to same-sex blessings and the consecration of gay clergy from his diocesan headquarters at St Andrews House. The controversial move has angered moderates in the Australian church. The postbox address for the Sydney diocese and its bishops is the central contact point for the movement that emerged from a meeting of more than 1000 Anglican conservatives in Jerusalem last month. full article

Florida: Interfaith group supports gay marriage

By Sherri Day St. Petersburg Times CLEARWATER — A group of interfaith leaders pledged Wednesday to use their pulpits and influence to defeat Amendment 2, the constitutional measure that would essentially ban gay marriage in Florida. The ministers and rabbis agreed to preach sermons, organize town hall meetings and ask their members to volunteer to work phone banks. The clerics also plan to hold a public rally on Oct. 26 to outline what they describe as the amendment's dangers. Sixteen leaders gathered for Wednesday's strategy session, just a week after a group of Baptist pastors and other ministers met in Gibsonton to launch a statewide campaign to rally conservative Christians in favor of the amendment. full article

Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights

Straight Allies Across the Nation Demand Equality for LGBT Americans Atticus Circle and Soulforce are pleased to bring back Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights , a national event that will provide straight Americans with opportunities to do justice and motivate new allies to stand up and be counted for equal rights. Last year, stories of friendship and political transformation emerged across the country during Seven Straight Nights, a first-of-its-kind event. Through Seven Straight Nights, the power of straight ally voices resonated in 38 cities in 28 different states across the country. Soulforce and Atticus Circle partnered with more than 30 national and statewide equality organizations to bring together a true grassroots effort on the part of straight allies standing up for equality. Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights consists of nighttime vigils led by straight allies during the week of September 14th through 20th, 2008. Click here to read about one of the congregations wh

Mitchell Gold: Growing up Gay in America

By Joelle L. Quartini The New York Blade He’s now the co-owner of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams, a $100 million furniture company, but Gold has not forgotten his tormented childhood and the struggles of growing up gay. Gold is giving back to the community with a new book he edited: “CRISIS: 40 Stories Revealing the Personal, Social and Religious Pain and Trauma of Growing Up Gay in America.” It’s a collection of essays, each authored by a different person. Contributors range from comedian Alec Mapa and gay civil rights leader Joe Solmonese, to the first openly lesbian lawmaker elected to U.S. Congress, Tammy Baldwin, and singer Ari Gold, plus The Rev. Irene Monroe, sportsmen John Amaechi and Billy Bean and former N.J. Gov. Jim McGreevey. Several queer youths also contribute. Such as Jared Horsford, 26, whose religious background led him to attempt to literally carve the demons out of his chest with a knife. His church didn’t discourage his self-mutilating behavior. full article

Video: Oklahoma anti-gay TV ad by Senator James Inhofe

Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe has reduced himself to mud slinging with his recent TV advertisement .

Bishop Robinson: ‘God loves all God’s children’

By John Wright The Dallas Voice Bishop V. Gene Robinson says he believes that far from condemning gay people, the Bible can be a source of liberation for LGBT people, just as it was for African-Americans.V. Gene Robinson, who became the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church in 2003, will be at Dallas’ Black Tie Dinner in November to accept the 2008 Elizabeth Birch Award. Robinson sat down with Dallas Voice recently to talk in a telephone interview about his upcoming visit and other issues. DV : You mentioned St. Thomas. Does it surprise you that even in a conservative diocese like this, that we have an openly gay rector, Father Steven Waller? V.G.R. : No, it actually doesn’t surprise me. After all, what we say — which is, “We’re everywhere” — is true, and of course I don’t need to tell you, but Dallas has a vibrant and wonderful gay community. And, you know, the fact of the matter is the gospel talks about God’s love for all of God’s children, and there are going to be peopl

Update: Italian Minister of Justice will not lay charges over Pope insult

Richard Owen in Rome The Times Online UK Angelino Alfano, the Italian Minister of Justice, yesterday Thursday said he had refused a request by the public prosecutor in Rome for permission to charge the comedienne and satirist Sabina Guzzanti with insulting Pope Benedict XVI. Mr Alfano said he had decided not to proceed with a prosecution "knowing the depth of the Pope's capacity for forgiveness". Speaking at the Catholic University in Milan the minister said that as a Roman Catholic himself he had been "saddened and shamed" by Ms Guzzanti's remarks. However she had accepted full responsibility for them, and he saw "no point in adding further fire to the flames". BACKSTORY full article

Dallas County sheriff's deputies asked about their feelings on homosexuality

by Kevin Krause The Dallas Morning News A questionnaire on homosexuality that was handed out to Dallas County Sheriff's officers during a required diversity training class is causing a stir within the agency. One of the questions asks officers to agree or disagree with the following statement: "The Bible states that homosexuality is immoral." That has upset some Christian deputies, who see it as unnecessary prying into their religious beliefs, according to a sheriff's employee association. The questionnaire does not ask for names. And Kim Leach, the sheriff's spokeswoman, said officers were not required to fill it out. full article

Video: DVD release for groundbreaking documentary about Jewish LGBT youth

by Ethan Jacobs Bay Windows In 2005 the film Hineini, a documentary about a student at a Boston Jewish day school trying to start a gay/straight alliance (GSA), helped jumpstart a debate on LGBT inclusion in Jewish schools and communities. The film, a collaboration between the Boston-based LGBT Jewish advocacy group Keshet and filmmaker Irena Fayngold, became a powerful teaching tool for Keshet, which has sponsored screenings at schools and synagogues across the country. On Sept. 21 Keshet and Fayngold will party to mark the DVD release of Hineini at Club Café, where attendees can meet Fayngold and the film’s subject, Shulamit Izen, and hear a performance by local folkster Catie Curtis. full article Video Excerpt:

Critics want book on gay sex removed from library

KX Net Associated Press HELENA, Mont. (AP) Some library patrons want a book on gay sex removed from the public library in Helena. The Lewis and Clark Public Library held a public hearing Tuesday night on whether the book "The Joy of Gay Sex" should stay or go. More than a dozen people testified in favor of removing it. Helena resident Wayne Beckman was one of them, saying the book shows immorality. full article

OPINION: Varying degrees of hatred

The Colorado Springs Gazette Colorado -- Is it worse to hate someone because she's Christian, than to hate her because she's beautiful, tall, short, thin or fat? The law says yes. Therefore, pay special attention to a recent case involving a man with a knife. District Attorney John Newsome told The Gazette on Tuesday he may seek what some call "hate crime" charges against Russell Bowman, who threatened two women with a giant knife early Saturday at an apartment building on Tia Juana Street. Police say Bowman made threats earlier that he wanted to behead the women because they were Christians. Bowman was stopped and seriously injured when another apartment resident hit him with the butt of a shotgun. full article

Social Justice Group Opens Dialogue on GLBT Issues With Equality Ride

by Lois Elfman, Diverse Education There are more than 200 U.S. colleges and universities that have explicit policies discriminatory toward GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) students, according to Soulforce Q. Since 2006, this young adult division of Soulforce , a social justice organization seeking to end political and religious oppression of GLBT people through nonviolent resistance, has staged Equality Ride. A group of young adults between the ages of 18 to 28 — gay, transgender and straight — take a bus trip to visit some of these institutions in the hopes of changing both policies and perceptions. full article

Couple fight gender-neutral language in wedding license

By Jennifer Garza The Sacramento Bee California -- Last month, Rachel Bird exchanged vows with Gideon Codding in a church wedding in front of family and friends. As far as Bird is concerned, she is a bride. To the state of California, however, she is either "Party A" or "Party B." Those are the terms that have replaced "bride" and "groom" on the state's new gender-neutral marriage licenses. And to Bird and Codding, that is unacceptable. Bird and Codding have refused to complete the new forms, a stand that has already cost them. Because their marriage is not registered with the state, Bird cannot sign up for Codding's medical benefits or legally take his name. They are now exploring their options, she said. full article

Ray Boltz (Gospel Singer) comes out of closet

In a Washington Blade exclusive, Joey DiGuglielmo writes; Ray Boltz wanted to do something nice. He’d visited the mostly gay Jesus Metropolitan Community Church in Indianapolis and liked Rev. Jeff Miner, so he decided to give him a copy of his 1997 holiday recording, “A Christmas Album.” It was one of 16 albums Boltz, 55, recorded during a nearly 20-year recording career that saw the Muncie, Ind., native become one of the better-known singer/songwriters in Contemporary Christian Music, a genre born out of the Jesus Movement of the early 1970s that made singers like Amy Grant, Sandi Patty, Michael W. Smith and Steven Curtis Chapman superstars in religious music with occasional excursions into mainstream pop culture. Ray Boltz was tired of living a lie. Continuing to pretend, Boltz says, was no longer an option. “I don’t want to downplay it like it was just, ‘Oh, well that’s OK.’ It was a very tough time for them too, but the bottom line was they loved me and they still love me … it’s b

Founding Fathers Agree: Separation of Church and State

Several Presidents have reiterated the constitution’s Separation of Church and State. President Thomas Jefferson : I am for freedom of religion, and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another. President George Washington : The Treaty of Tripoli (1797) which was negotiated under George Washington and signed under John Adams, flatly states that "The Government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”. President John Adams : I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind has preserved -- the Cross. Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced! President James Madison : To promote any religion is outside the proper scope of limited government. President John Tyler : The United States have adventured upon a great and noble experiment, which is believed to have been hazarded in the absence of all previous precedent -- that of

Focus on the Family pours cash on initiative (prop 8)

MARK BARNA The Gazette Colorado: Focus on the Family is turning out to be a top donor to backers of a California ballot initiative that would outlaw same-sex marriage, according to California Secretary of State's Office records. Focus is the seventh biggest donor among Proposition 8 supporters, according to the California Secretary of State's Office. Other major donors are Elsa Prince, a Focus board member ($450,000); the American Family Association ($500,000); Fieldstead & Co. ($600,000); the John Templeton Foundation ($900,000); and the National Organization for Marriage ($941,134.80). The top donor is Knights of Columbus, which is based in New Haven, Conn., and acts as a political arm of the Catholic Church. The group has given $1.275 million in support of Proposition 8, the secretary of state's records show. full article

Uganda: Ssempa rewarded for anti-gay crusade

By Joyce Namutebi, The New Vision DR. Martin Ssempa, a pastor at Makerere Community Church, has received an award for his fight against homosexuality. Ssempa and his wife Tracey received the plague from Apostle Alex Mitala, the overseer of the National Fellowship of Born Again Churches in Uganda. This was during the “Great Marriage Celebration” organised by the National Association of Marriage Enhancement in conjunction with the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches in Uganda at Nakivubo Stadium over the weekend. Ssempa thanked the Christians for standing by him and said he was encouraged by their support to continue with his campaign. He proposed the establishment of a national marriage alliance to counter homosexuality. full article

Italian comedienne faces jail time for insulting Pope in a joke

Richard Owen in Rome, The Times Online UK An Italian comedienne who said that Pope Benedict XVI would go to Hell and be tormented by homosexual demons is facing a prison term of up to five years. Addressing a Rome rally in July, Sabrina Guzzanti warmed up with a few gags about Silvio Berlusconi — her favourite target for her biting impressions — before moving on to some unrepeatable jokes about Mara Carfagna, the Equal Opportunities Minister and one-time topless model. But then she got religion, and after warning everyone that within 20 years Italian teachers would be vetted and chosen by the Vatican, she got to the punchline: "But then, within 20 years the Pope will be where he ought to be — in Hell, tormented by great big poofter devils, and very active ones, not passive ones." Giovanni Ferrara, the Rome prosecutor, is invoking the 1929 Lateran Treaty between Italy and the Vatican, which stipulates that an insult to the Pope carries the same penalty as an insult to the Ital

Video: Ex-Lesbian and employee, defends Focus on the Family

In a recent article (from the right) voicing the opinions of Melissa Fryrear (director of the gender issues department at Focus on the Family and “previously a lesbian”) she makes the following statements: Don’t people of faith have the same right as any other American to be a part of the public dialogue? And shouldn’t Christians have the right to live their lives according to their biblical beliefs? Hey Melissa, don’t gay Americans have the right to live their lives according to their biblical beliefs (or non-biblical beliefs)? Melissa, when you “cherry pick” parts of the bible you wish to espouse it will never work. NONE of the folks who scream and yell about living bibilically are doing so. We all know the bible is FULL of rules and laws which NO ONE follows any longer. Melissa, gay churches exist! This in itself proves some religious folks don’t share all of your beliefs. Melissa, last I noticed FOF is very much a part of the pubic dialogue. In fact Mr. Dobson was recently awarded

Homosexuals from the other side - Sept 12, 2008

California: Episcopal Bishops Support Homosexual Marriage The 6 Episcopal Bishops of California came out this week in support of homosexual marriage and in opposition to Proposition 8 which is an amendment that would change the California constitution and preserve the integrity of marriage. You may now kiss 'Party A' Does that mean homosexual groups have not quite told the truth about their objectives? What Do Christians Have to Say About Homosexual Behavior? Christians should be dogmatic about any sex outside marriage, not just homosexuality, because God is. Any sex outside marriage defiles the body of the committers and is prohibited by God according to His Word (1 Corinthians 6:18–20) Case Law Development: Florida's "Homosexual" Adoption Ban A Florida Circuit Court judge in Key West has allowed a gay man to adopt a child and has declared unconstitutional a portion of Florida Statute section 63.042 that provides "No person eligible to adopt under this stat

One year later: Singh suspect remains at large

Bay Area Reporter It's been just over a year since Satendar Singh was brutally attacked at a recreation area near Sacramento, allegedly by Russian immigrants who perceived him to be gay. But without the inclusion of sexual orientation in the federal hate crimes law the man authorities believe delivered the fatal blow remains a fugitive from justice. One of those arrested, Alexsander Schevchenko, 22, was sentenced to 150 days in county jail after being found guilty on two misdemeanor charges. "Five months in jail for the murder of a man was a slap on the wrist," Sloan said of the sentence Schevchenko received. "It indicates that if you harm a gay person, chances are its not going to be costly." Sloan believes the attack - according to testimony at Schevchenko's trial and police reports, the perpetrators first sent their families home then called friends for additional back-up - "was a conspiracy and should have been prosecuted as one." Former Sacram

Barney Frank highlights Palin and her pregnant unmarried daughter

Pink News UK Barney Frank has represented the 4th District of Massachusetts since 1981, and is one of two out gay people in the House of Representatives. Congressman Frank said in an article in the Boston Globe that Governor Palin's daughter is "entitled to be treated with compassion. "But that is precisely the point that makes this a relevant political issue. Palin was selected by McCain in substantial part because of her high standing as a leading advocate of the socially conservative wing of the Republican Party." While Sarah Palin's supporters stressed that she had informed Senator McCain of the situation before he offered her the Vice Presidential slot, others were taken aback. "The glaring inconsistency between the social philosophy that blames liberalism for divorce and teen pregnancy and the facts of Palin's family life further underlines the serious shortcomings of that philosophy. "This does not mean that family members are "fair ga

2008 Soulforce Equality Ride starts Oct. 1st

The Soulforce Q Equality Ride will launch on October 1, 2008. This year it will focus on the South, journeying to fifteen schools of various denominations, including some faith-based historically black colleges and universities. True to its purpose of going where it is needed, the 2008 Equality Ride will visit both undergraduate schools and graduate level seminaries. Come meet the new Equality Riders and read what they have to say about this exciting project! The Equality Ride is a traveling forum that gives young adults the chance to deconstruct injustice and the rhetoric that sustains it. It allows emerging young leaders to unite in the struggle for common equality. The idea is this. We get on a bus and journey to various institutions of higher learning. Through informal conversation and educational programming we explore concepts of diversity, comparing the effects of inclusive and exclusive ideologies. More practically, we share and gain insights about how our beliefs influence po

California: Anglican bishops to speak up for gay marriage

By Tony Grew, Pink News UK The Episcopal Diocese of California is to take a stand against an attempt to stop same-sex marriage in the state. Proposition 8 is an initiative measure on the 2008 California General Election ballot in November. It would amend the state Constitution to provide that "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognised in California," thus constitutionally eliminating the right to same-sex marriage. In May the California Supreme Court overturned a ban on same-sex marriages in the state. "The Episcopal (Anglican) Church stands for equal rights for all persons and fair treatment for all Californians," the church said. full article

Gay Activist: Is Cardinal Newman’s Reburial Illegal?

UK Gay News LONDON, September 9, 2008 – Justice Secretary, Jack Straw MP, is being urged by Peter Tatchell to rescind the license granted to the Roman Catholic Church for the exhumation and reburial of Cardinal John Henry Newman, on the grounds that it is “certainly unethical and probably illegal”. “It is morally wrong and arguably unlawful for the Ministry of Justice to grant a reburial license that violates Newman’s instructions to his executors and that gives a non-relative third party control over his remains,” Mr. Tatchell said this morning. “The Justice Secretary has caved in to Vatican demands and given the Catholic Church disposal rights over Newman’s body. “It not only plans to move his remains to a church tomb, it also intends to break up his body and distribute his bones as holy relics. full article

Antigay Group, PFOX Lose Md. Battle to Re-legalize Transgender Bias

by Michael Airhart Truth Wins Out The Maryland Court of Appeals today threw out a ballot petition to re-legalize discrimination against the transgender residents of Montgomery County. The antigay group, Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum and its offshoot Citizens for a Responsible Government, obtained substantial publicity and petition support from Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and its co-founder, the Family Research Council. The antigay campaign suffered from reports of misconduct among uncivil and misinformed canvassers who deceived petition signers about the petition. Lambda Legal provides background: On November 13, 2007, in order to address discrimination against transgender individuals, the Montgomery County Council unanimously passed an act that added gender identity to the county’s civil rights law. A group calling itself Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG) sought to block the law by gathering signatures for a referendum petition. We challenged the referendum becaus

’Ex-Gay’ Movement Pushes Its Books Into Libraries

by Kilian Melloy EDGE, Boston A posting from Peter LaBarbera, the president of the anti-gay group Americans for Truth About Homosexuality says that the sample letter and the list of "ex-gay" titles comes from P-FOX, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays, which is an anti-gay counter-organization to P-FLAG. LaBarbera’s posting announced that his organization and P-FOX would work together with what LaBarbera termed "other pro-family groups and ministries" in order, LaBarbera wrote, "to attain--at the very minimum--balance in the selections that libraries carry on the homosexual issue." Added LaBarbera, "There is no logical or common sense reason why taxpayer-funded public libraries should make available every latest ’gay’-affirming book--including those designed to open up young minds to the false and dangerous notion that homosexuality is normal--while NOT carrying faith-based and ex-’gay’ books that oppose a pro-homosexual ideology." full article

Gene Robinson urges fellow gays to vote for Obama

By Rev. Gene Robinson Okay, it’s time to get serious. As LGBT voters, it’s time to put our differences and disappointments aside, and get behind the one candidate who has our interests at heart. If you’re still stinging over the unsuccessful bid for nomination by Hillary Clinton, it’s time to look forward, even if the disappointment still hurts. We are faced with the most stark choice in recent memory, with ramifications for our community like no other. If nothing else convinces you to vote for Barack Obama, surely the likelihood of the next president appointing one, two, or possibly even three Supreme Court justices should do it. With John McCain, we will see the conservative near-majority on the Court shift to a solid majority – with devastating results when the “full faith and credit clause” of the Constitution is challenged in the recognition of gay marriages. With Barack Obama, we have someone who is utterly sympathetic to our full and equal rights as citizens. I know, he won’t sa

Palin Palpitations

As long as I can remember many religious folks have condemned me for being gay. They are happy to mount their “high horse” and exclaim I will burn in hell for my sin of homosexuality. Most of them believe sex before marriage is a sin. So when I hear the 17 year old un-married daughter of the very religious Sarah Palin is pregnant due to premarital sex I must shake my head at the hypocrisy. Palin in her self-righteousness is one who would condemn us gay folks with her bible. So it seems very ironic her own daughter is such a blatant sinner. Obviously her daughter doesn’t agree with her mother on this one. I suggest we all stand up and take note of this. If her own daughter can’t abide her mothers’ beliefs do you think it will be easier for us?

Christians should always oppose hate crime laws

Many, I dare say the majority, of religious folks would deny federal hate crime laws to assist in protecting the GLBT community from bias crime against them. In fact, over at the Christian Law Association website you can find a radio broadcast saying Christians should always oppose hate crime laws. I’ve also heard Black folks say GLBT folks shouldn’t have hate crime protection. Since the members of both communities currently enjoy hate crime protection it seems a bit foul of them to deny others the very protection they themselves possess. When we were children we considered this type of individual selfish. For adults to act this way is beyond selfish and borders on hypocrisy! According to Merriam-Webster: Hypocrisy – 1: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially: the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion 2: an act or instance of hypocrisy

Church obsessed with gays - Tutu

By Robert Pigott, Religious Affairs Correspondent BBC News Archbishop Desmond Tutu has accused the Anglican church of allowing its "obsession" with homosexuality to come before real action on world poverty. God is weeping" to see such a focus on sexuality and the Church is "quite rightly" seen by many as irrelevant on the issue of poverty, he said. It may be good to "accept that we agree to differ" on the gay issue, he said. full article

From the other side

Happy Meal profits fund homosexual strategies The profits from families who buy Happy Meals for their children have been used to pay for 56 McDonald's staff members to meet in San Diego to strategize about promoting homosexuality within the company, according to the American Family Association. Letter: Right to gay marriage? Where did the right of homosexuals to marry suddenly come from? Twenty years ago, it wasn't mentioned in polite company. Now it's talked about as if it's sacred and ordained. STDs concern among homosexual prisoners who 'marry' "This prison system in California is placing at risk [the] population inside the prison by allowing outside homosexual men to have conjugal visits with men on the inside" Union Advocating Homosexual Agenda May Face Human Rights Commission Although MacDonald, a faithful Catholic, has no qualms about paying dues to trade unions, he detailed how PSAC does not operate as a "trade union" but rather as a

Marriage and Man’s Law

Many claim marriage is a religious institution and has been for eons. Of course this disregards the fact that couples can marry without the intervention of a church or religion. But the fact is, additional rights of marriage are of man’s law, not God’s law. Therefore, the preacher who marries you must have a license provided by man’s law in order for your marriage to be legally recognized. If the preacher who marries you does not have this license, provided by man’s law, then your marriage is not legally recognized and you can not legally obtain the additional benefits of marriage provided by man’s law. In other words, if marriage was simply religious, there would be no civil benefits. No tax breaks, no inheritance laws, no social security benefits, etc. and above all, the preacher wouldn't need a piece of paper from the state saying he/she can legally marry others. Regarding the legal benefits of marriage, your preacher is acting as a representative of the state (man’s l

Followup: Canon says he would quit over gay bishop

BACKSTORY by Darren Devine, Western Mail Wales Online A SENIOR clergyman has threatened to quit rather than work alongside the man who could become the UK’s first openly gay bishop because he says homosexual acts are “sinful and wrong”. Canon Peter Jones said he would consider his position should the Dean of St Albans, Dr Jeffrey John, become the new Bishop of Bangor. Mr Jones, who is Vicar of Conwy in the diocese of Bangor, hinted the appointment of Dr John would lead many others to walk away from the Church in Wales. full article

Palin's church promotes 'ex-gay' therapy

In a Time Magazine article by Nathan Thornburgh, writing on Wasilla, Alaska are such gems as: Palin was a highly polarizing political figure who brought partisan politics and hot-button social issues like abortion and gun control into a mayoral race that had traditionally been contested like a friendly intramural contest among neighbors. Churches proliferate in Wasilla today, and among the largest and most influential is the Wasilla Bible Church, where the Palins worship. At the 11:15 a.m. Sunday service, hundreds sit in folding chairs, listening to a 20-minute sermon about the Book of Malachi and singing along to alt-rock praise songs. The only sign of culture warring in the whole production is an insert in the day's program advertising an upcoming Focus on the Family conference on homosexuality in Anchorage called Love Won Out. The group promises to teach attendees how to "respond to misinformation in our culture" and help them "overcome" homosexuality. full a

Canadian Province Braces for Controversy Over Pro-Gay Course, Materials

by Kilian Melloy, EDGE Contributor EDGE Boston Schoolchildren in British Columbia are poised to learn about the social costs of bullying and homophobia thanks to a new high school elective and a classroom guide on diversity for that region’s teachers. Opponents have acted to smear the new teachers’ resources as an "authoritarian" attempt to override parents’ religious and moral convictions by requiring children to learn that gay individuals and families are normal. The high school course, Social Justice 12, is an elective, not a requirement; the teaching guide, titled Making Space, Giving Voice, contains suggested activities and readings relevant not only to gays and lesbians, but also to ethnic and racial minorities and students who are, for other reasons, perceived as "different." full article

Lesson from the Ramadan

Blitz Muslims in Bangladesh are set to give warmest welcome to the holy month of Ramadan, which begins just in hours, right after the sun set of Monday. like every year, we do not want to see that the Ramadan turns into mere days of fasting for Muslims, while most of the evils in our souls and minds remain unchanged and un cleaned. But, the basic theme of Ramadan is to cleanse people’s soul and mind. It teaches us to burn all the evils within us. But, what we do in reality? Continue what we have been doing for the past 11 months of the Muslim calender year! We although fast from the sunrise to sunset, we do not change at all. Rather, evils within us turns much sharpened and wilder during this auspicious month. The name "Ramadan" is the name of the ninth month; the word itself derived from an Arabic word for intense heat, scorched ground, and shortness of rations. It is considered the most venerated and blessed month of the Islamic year. Prayers, sawm [fasting], charity, and