
Showing posts from June, 2008

Video: Ken Hutcherson interview

Stranger writer Eli Sanders interviews Ken Hutcherson. Poor Hutch still hasn't realized, in the United States, his religion has no more rights then any other religion. I still say ANY religious organization which wants to be political should have it's tax exempt status removed!

LDS push to ban gay marriage rankles some

by Jennifer Dobner - Associated Press The Daily Herald SALT LAKE CITY -- Lester Leavitt has made a request of his family: oppose their church's opposition to gay marriage. Leavitt, from Pompano Beach, Fla., is asking his siblings and children on the West Coast to choose family over a call from LDS Church leaders to support a November ballot initiative to define traditional marriage in California's constitution. Since the letter began circulating on the Web last weekend, hundreds of Mormon blog posts have expressed disbelief, disappointment and outrage at the church's decision to wade into politics. "Maybe I was just optimistic. I thought they might sit on the sidelines and not have any bad press," said Matt Thurston, a 39-year-old Mormon from Corona, Calif., who is not gay. "There is that culture of obedience that once the proclamation has been raised, that's it," said Jeffrey Nielsen, a professor of philosophy who was ousted from the church-owned Br

Holy quicksand, we're sinking

It wasn’t so long ago a high court in Australia was telling a religion they could not impose their religion upon law since there are many religions. The court continued by stating, since churches and religions exist which support homosexuality, another religion, which doesn't suppport homosexuality holds no sway. Now that Presbyterians have come into the light, this fact gains strength. Those who wish to bask in fundamental religious teachings will gain their just reward of shrinking numbers. Soon the fundamental religious folks will be on the same level as polygamists. Just another radical religious sect, unable to progress with the rest of the world. The church made a very big mistake becoming involved in politics. But I'm glad they did because now we force the fringe out into the light of day. Exposing their true intent to arrogantly attempt control and intimidation based on their personal beliefs. In my mind there is something terribly wrong with a "man of

LDS church on wrong side of gay marriage issue

by Robert Parker, Commentary The East Valley Tribune Phoenix, Arizona Gay members of the Mormon Church and their families learned last week of a letter from Thomas S. Monson, our prophet, to all the "saints" of the church in California. He and his two counselors, known as The First Presidency, who live in Salt Lake City, Utah, have asked that the letter be read in all the pulpits in California today. California members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, numbering many hundreds of thousands, through this letter are requested to devote their means and time to assure that marriage is legally defined as between a man and a woman. As the Lord's Prophet, Monson is asking all Mormons to support a gay marriage ban on the premise that heterosexual marriage is ordained by God and children are "entitled to be born within this bond of marriage." In fact, it is the ban on gay marriage which harms children, families and basic morality. If marriage is banned f

Pastor John Shuck; the recent Presbyterian Assembly

For those wanting more information about the ins and outs of the recent Presbyterian Assembly; you are in luck. I just ran across the site of Pastor John Shuck, First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethton, Tennessee. There is so much information over there I'm not even going to try to encapsulate it. Click here to check it out .

Role reversal

I’m going to invoke what is probably an over used term; If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny. You’ve probably heard of the term Public Networking website. Many of them are simply forums for folks to speak their minds. Some share information and insight, which can prove invaluable. Being a gay man I primarily visit gay related spaces in the vast volume of Internet spaces. The majority of Public Networking sites I visit are infected with the plague of hate. Indeed, it is rare, that any topic will go without the personal opinion of some rightwinger. Some of which, actually believe the gay spaces are created for them. Personally I’ve never understood that logic but a lot of their logic is a bit fuzzy. Most of them will tell you they are well adjusted, God Loving, church-going Christians who believe the Bible to be the accurate and ultimate last word. But the language they use is anything but Christian. Here comes the “sad but funny” part; I feel sorry for them. To have

Hate Group Accosts Presbyterians at General Assembly

Le Anne Clausen over at Journal of a Young Activist relates a story regarding the Presbyterian General Assembly in San Jose, California. Religious based hate groups were ready to accost the Presbyterians as they returned to the building Wednesday evening. The religious based Bema Ministries were carrying signs and shouting epithets such as "Jesus hates you" and "All Presbyterians will burn in hell". The group arrived a day after the denomination's committee recommendation to the Assembly to delete G-6.0106(b), a clause that excludes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons in relationships from being ordained to the ministry of word and sacrament. The group brought large signs declaring, "Homo Sex is a Sin," and "Homosexuality is a Threat to National Security," and positioned themselves on the plaza outside the Convention Center. Presbyterian commissioners (voting delegates), youth delegates, and other participants in the Assembly w

Christian group software changes news story wording automatically

Over at Break The Terror they made an interesting discovery. It seems the rightwing One News Now organization uses software to automatically change the word Gay to the word Homosexual in all of their news postings. Click here to see the evidence and rest of the story over at Break The Terror .

Pakistan: Christians charged with blasphemy

Many christians would like us to believe Christianity is the only true religion. So I couldn’t help but chuckle a little when I saw the proverbial shoe on the other foot. A short blurb of news on Ecumenical News International informs how Christians in Pakistan (a Muslim country) are being charged under blasphemy laws.

Obama's wife says he'll fight for gay equality

A recent Associated Press article by Samantha Gross tells us about Michelle Obamas' recent speech at the Gay and Lesbian Leadership Council. "Barack Obama will fight for equal rights for gays just as he fought to help working-class families overcome poverty. We are all only here because of those who marched and bled and died, from Selma to Stonewall, in the pursuit of a more perfect union," she said. Of course it didn't take long for the rightwing to come out with their pearls of wisdom regarding this. Of course, for effect, they needed to change the title a bit: " Obama's wife says he'll fight for homosexual equality ".

Marching with pride in Jerusalem

by Iain Baxter The Guardian, UK Four weeks ago I had no plans to visit Jerusalem, let alone speak at the city's march for pride and tolerance . I am a Christian who believes in the Bible. I am also gay. After a last minute decision, I came to Jerusalem to report from the Anglican Gafcon conference on behalf of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement . Gafcon is a grouping of Anglicans from around the world who believe that the church is straying from biblical teaching, particularly with regard to sexual morality. I am marching in the Jerusalem pride march today because, as a Christian, I believe that Jesus came to set people free from legalism, that God loves us just as we are. Jesus said the greatest commandment was to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind". And the second was like it: "Love your neighbour as yourself." We are marching to claim the right to love; the right to be loved by our parents and families for w

Anti-gay bishops are after power, not truth

by George Pitcher The Telegraph, UK Leadership in the West is “a mess and unable to understand the post-colonial reality”. The best thing to do would be to “dismantle” the western establishment to usher in a post-colonial world. Who might this be speaking? The increasingly beleaguered Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe in one of his more mild-mannered moments? Actually it is Canon Vinay Samuel, who was yesterday addressing the alternative Anglican conference in Jerusalem, Gafcon, for bishops who feel that they cannot in conscience attend the decennial Lambeth Conference at Canterbury next month, so long as they have to be in communion with openly homosexual bishops. Not that Canon Samuel is a bishop. He is from the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. But he reveals what Gafcon is really about. The Global South’s spiritual leader, Archbishop Peter Akinola of Nigeria, is fond of saying that the post-colonial West demonises him and that a new order must be ushered in. So this conference of Anglica

Presbyterians ready to show the love?

According to the Star Tribune the Presbyterian Church experienced record-breaking membership decline last year. Perhaps this news would indicate a need to make some changes? Although the source seems anti-gay the news is good. Over at the Dakota Voice (“without the liberal bias” can be read as “with right wing bias”) they provide us with a few tidbits regarding the current Presbyterian conference in California. It would seem there were some translation issues with the Catechism: In 1967 the Presbyterian Church adopted a 1962 Miller-Osterhaven version of the catechism in its Book of Confessions. This translation of the original German document is said to contain a reference to "homosexual perversion" not found in the original. The first visual that came to my mind was Jesus with open and welcoming arms of love.

Homsexuality, religion, politics and equality before God

Donna Red Wing has been working for equality as long as I can remember. She is now a Senior Advisor to The Interfaith Alliance and wrote a wonderful article. Here are a few excerpts; Homophobia, in the United States, has often been experienced through the lens of faith in unimaginable ways. The radical religious right, while it has moved from the rancor of the 1990's into a softened ‘love the sinner hate the sin' rhetoric of the 21st century, still purports to speak from a voice of faith. And it is that particular voice of faith that needs to be challenged by the interfaith movement in this country. The United States is the most religiously pluralistic nation in the world, yet a majority, including many media professionals and government leaders, are functioning with the presumption of an established religion-a "Christian" religion that gives, at best, a condescending nod to other religious traditions and that attempts to determine the moral and legal status of those

Mormons urged to back ban on same-sex marriage

by Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer San Francisco Chronicle The Mormon Church, a major backer of the 2000 ballot measure that reaffirmed California's ban on same-sex marriage, is asking its members to "do all you can" to support a November initiative that would reinstate the ban as a state constitutional amendment. "The church's teachings and position on this moral issue are unequivocal. Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God," the church's governing First Presidency said in a letter to be read Sunday to all congregations in California. It urges members to donate "your means and time" to the ballot measure campaign. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which estimates its California membership at 750,000, is one of the largest and best-organized of several denominations expected to be active in the initiative campaign. full article

Uproar over prayer service for gays grows

By HERÓN MÁRQUEZ ESTRADA, Star Tribune Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota As he has done for a number of years, Michael Bayly will arrive tonight at St. Joan of Arc Church ready to celebrate his God, his faith and his homosexuality. But this year, Bayly and other Catholic gays and lesbians will not be allowed to celebrate their lifestyle in the church sanctuary following an edict handed down by Archbishop John Nienstedt, who has barred the annual gay pride prayer service at the south Minneapolis church. In protest, Bayly and others have decided to hold their own lay service outside the church tonight. They are also calling for a mass rally at the church tonight to condemn the archdiocese. full article

Presbyterians argue roles of gays, lesbians

by Matthai Kuruvila, Religion Writer San Francisco Chronicle Members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have for decades been struggling to come to a consensus about the role of gays and lesbians in the church. And they just can't make up their mind. The church allows the blessing of same-sex unions, but defines homosexual acts as sinful and won't ordain partnered lesbian or gay candidates for priesthood. They're steadfast in opposition to same-sex marriage - but vindicate priests who preside over them, saying church-approved marriages can't exist no matter what priests do or say. "Sadly enough, I think within my own denomination, the state has been a much more powerful witness than the church has," said Rev. W. Rob Martin III, pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto, which has welcomed and blessed same-sex couples for nearly 20 years. "It's my fervent hope that with movement in civil society my denomination will catch up with that." fu

Gay Marriage Initiative Strategist Says "There Will Be No Gay Bashing" in Campaign

by Steven Maviglio The California Majority Report It will be a kindler, gentler campaign to ban gay marriage, Frank Schubert, who will manage the effort to approve the initiative, told a meeting of the American Association of Political Consultants in Sacramento on Monday. "There will not be any gay bashing in our campaign," he said. "If other supporters try it, we will do everything we can to stop it." Maggie Linden, repsenting the NO side, said her campaign has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support to oppose the initiative. She too predicted an overwhelming number of volunteers and a broad coalition that would oppose it. full article

America: Zero tolerance on hate

America: Zero tolerance on hate is the message all Americans should loudly proclaim. It stands to reason, anyone disagreeing with this statement is in the minority. There is no justification for hate! But some religious folks believe there is justification for hate. And they further their sin by saying God/Allah commanded it. We’ve all seen a long time couple that seems to know what the other is thinking, often able to finish sentences for each other. Their common bond of love is extremely powerful. If one of them were to disappear under suspicious circumstances the other would be invaluable in the investigation due to this extremely powerful common bond of love. God/Allah is about Love. If you have a powerful common bond of love with God/Allah then you don’t need a book to tell you what God/Allah thinks, feels and wants. With so many bible translations being questioned by so many do you really think your foothold is stable? Toss into that the passage of so many years and i

Rev. Jane Spahr officiates same-sex wedding in California

Associated Press The International Herald SAN RAFAEL, California : A retired Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) minister challenged her denomination's position on same-sex marriage Friday by officiating the wedding of two women who wanted to be among the first same-sex couples to legally marry in California. The Rev. Jane Spahr, of San Rafael, presided over the wedding between Sara Taylor, 54, and Sherrie Holmes, 57, at the Marin County Civic Center, where the pair secured their marriage license on Tuesday. "I pronounced them married under the authority granted me by the state and as a minister of the Presbyterian Church," Spahr said after the service attended by Holmes' 30-year-old daughter and longtime friends of the couple, who have been together 18 years. full article

Scientology: Gays and Lesbians should be quarantined and institutionalized

by Dr. Lilly von Marcab IndyBay As cities around the world prepare for their annual Pride celebrations, it is worth considering the "Church" of Scientology's official position on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and queer people (LGBTQ). According to Scientology, such "perverts" should either be quarantined and institutionalized, or go through extensive Scientology "processing" until once again they have value as human beings. The cult's founder, science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, felt LGBTQ people were malicious, untrustworthy and incredibly dangerous to society. In his follow-up book, "Science of Survival," he establishes a "tone scale," ranging from -3 to +4, for classifying categories of people and evaluating human behavior. "Perverts," as he classified LGBTQ people, fall at 1.1 on Hubbard's scale. He considered them to be extremely dangerous to society. full article

Kentucky: Drawing Attention to Hate Crimes

By Valarie Honeycutt Spears Lexington Hearld-Leader Victims have reported at least 55 hate crimes in Lexington since 2000, eight in 2007 alone. And there are at least 14 hate groups operating in Kentucky, including eight Ku Klux Klan groups. With a report from the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission detailing the hate around us, the Commission and the Migrant Network Coalition on Saturday sponsored the Erase Hate Community Art Project. Volunteers gathered Saturday at Temple Adath Israel to create a visual art display of six wooden silhouettes that will be displayed at the Urban County Government-sponsored Diversity Festival on Saturday at the Robert F. Stephens Courthouse courtyard on Main Street. The silhouettes will be on display at the event's Human Rights Commission booth and will include stories about individuals in Lexington who say they have experienced bullying, bigotry or hatred because of who they are. full article

Religion; The first pyramid scheme?

Some religious folks would have us believe a person without religion is a person without morals. So I thought it might be interesting to lookup famous atheists. Names like Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Isaac Asimov, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Clarence Darrow, Galileo Galilei, Gene Roddenberry, Helen Keller, Gloria Steinam, James Madison, John Adams, Karl Marx, Leo Tolstoy, John Lennon, Frank Lloyd Wright, Irving Berlin, and many more . Of course we can’t look up famous atheists without looking up famous Christians like Ted Haggard , Larry Craig , Lou Beres , Dr. Robert Gray , Griffen Ward Sundeen , here is a small list of Christian pedophiles and here is a large list of Christian Child abuses . When I was old enough to understand such things mother told me, as an infant, the Catholic Church baptized me. I was always puzzled by this practice. How can an infant be baptized when they can’t even speak? Obviously they can’t comprehend such things. And then they turn ar

California Bishop Pens Pastoral Letter Regarding Gay Marriage

I have provided a few excerpts below. Written by The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I welcome the ruling of the California Supreme Court affirming the fundamental right of all people to marry. I am writing to you now to recommend a path to use this decision to strengthen our support of our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered sisters and brothers, and our continued witness to God’s inclusive love. For far too long the onus has fallen on marginalized people to bear the burden of inequalities that exist within the Church, and the decision by our state’s Supreme Court has given us the opportunity to level the playing field. To that end, the Diocese of California seeks to provide, by advocacy and example, a way forward for The Episcopal Church so that the marriage of same-sex couples will be a part of our official marriage rites, without distinction. Although The Episcopal Church does not have canonical rites for same-sex marriage, it is our goal that

Akinola denied entry into Jordan; linked to possible human rights atrocities

Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent Times Online UK The "alternative Lambeth" conference organised by conservative evangelicals in the Anglican church in Amman has been forced to up sticks and move to a different country after the Archbishop of Nigeria was denied entry to Jordan. So, putting into practice the proverb that if Mohammed won't go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed, the entire conference is this morning checking out of the hotel in Jordan and getting on a bus to Jerusalem, where they will meet up with Dr Akinola. Archbishop Akinola was travelling on his diplomatic passport. After being questioned for four hours, he was turned back, although the rest of the Nigerian delegation was allowed in. -- end of Times Online article -- According to the folks over at akinolarepent : Why? They want to know his role in an anti-Muslim riot in Nigeria in 2004 which killed 660 people. This was in response to an anti-Christian riot two months earlier in the t

Reassignment possible for gay wedding refusals

Associated Press The San Jose Mercury News SAN DIEGO—Employees who refuse to perform gay wedding ceremonies at the San Diego County Clerk's Office are facing reassignment. At least 14 employees who raised religious objections to performing same-sex weddings have been told they cannot pick and choose between marriage applicants. Employees were told they must perform the ceremonies without discrimination or seek a reassignment within the department or the county. full article

Mistrial declared in case against Aleksandr Shevchenko

By Crystal Carreon Sacramento Bee A mistrial was declared Wednesday in Sacramento Superior Court on hate-crime charges against a man linked to a volatile feud at Lake Natoma last summer that killed Satender Singh. After more than four days of tense deliberations, the jury of seven women and five men could not agree on whether the defendant was involved in the confrontation because he believed Singh was gay. The panel emerged before noon and told Judge Gary S. Mullen that they were "irrevocably deadlocked" on the hate- crime allegation that Aleksandr Shevchenko, 22, faced for his role in last year's fight. The Sacramento man was found guilty on two misdemeanor counts: disturbing the peace and simple assault for throwing a bottle. related stories full article

Video: Hate Preachers - Hate Crimes

Award winning animated short to original song written by Dave Puls.

Religious hate trumps religious love

Where would you be without marriage? Yes I’m talking to you heterosexuals! My mother married my father. After 40 some year’s dad died. Dad was a military officer and mother was set for life. So I asked mother one day, what if you hadn’t been allowed to marry? Where would you be today? Of course my question was preposterous. What if you didn’t have any spousal rights, unable to get half of your husband’s retirement? The house would be taken away because you didn’t own any part of it since you couldn’t marry. You’d have no income and you’d be wondering what to do now! Then I asked my brother, who is a house-husband where he would be if he wasn’t allowed to marry. I tried to explain to him that he wouldn’t be able to feel secure that he “owned” half of everything because without marriage he would have nothing. Many heterosexuals have told me they are rewarded for procreation. Last time I looked no one needed a reward for procreation. It has it’s own rewards, immediate and long term. But i

Ultra-Orthodox Jews Will Not Protest Jerusalem Gay Pride ’08

by Kilian Melloy EDGE, Boston In contrast to previous years, Ultra-Orthodox Jewish leaders have decided that they will not protest this year’s Pride Parade in Jerusalem, scheduled for June 26. Said Jerusalem Open House Executive Director Yonatan Gher, "We have met with many public leaders of the haredi and Orthodox communities to promote understanding and especially to prevent unnecessary violence in the city." But even as Pride organizers and their conservative religious opponents managed to make overtures toward quelling further violence, the country’s politicians sought to ban the parade through legislative means. While the Ultra-orthodox say they intend to stay away from the parade and not to mount protests, the politicians have said that they will step into the gap, with plans to gather in ten places around Jerusalem on June 26 to demonstrate in protest of the Pride event. full article

Protesters scarce as California gays marry across the state

by Patrick May Mercury News While same-sex marital bliss blossomed on the 10th floor of the Santa Clara county building on West Hedding Street Tuesday morning, Ciaran O'Donnell stood out front, holding a hand-made watercolored protest poster, a lonely sentry trying to keep this gay new world at bay. At times drowned out by the din of same-sex wedding-bell revelry, especially in the ultra-liberal San Francisco Bay Area, opponents of gay marriage braced for Tuesday's landmark ceremonies with a mixture of scattered public demonstrations, Bible-verse invocation, and discussions about the definition of family. "The standard is one man, one woman, one lifetime - that's it," agreed Shirley Phelps-Roper with the Topeka-based Westboro Baptist Church that dispatched a handful of protesters to California this week. Gay marriage "is another in-your-face, smashed-mouth flipping-off affront to God for which you'll pay dearly." full article

Gay priest resigns after furore over church blessing

by Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent The Guardian The Rev Dr David Lord, a New Zealander who tied the knot with English clergyman Peter Cowell on May 31, "felt it appropriate to lay down his clergy license", according to a statement released through the Anglican church in New Zealand. His decision will debar him from officiating as a priest. It comes amid a furore over the ceremony at St Bartholomew the Great church in the City of London. The Bishop of London, the Right Rev Richard Chartres, said services of public blessings for civil partnerships were not authorised in the Church of England or the diocese of London and has asked the Archdeacon of London, Peter Delaney, to investigate. related articles full article

Anger at Anglican gay 'wedding'

BBC News The service, at St Bartholomew the Great Church in the City of London last month, used formal rites. The Reverend Peter Cowell and the Reverend Dr David Lord were already civil partners. Critics say the ceremony flouted guidelines, but the vicar who conducted it said church rules were not broken. The couple are said to have exchanged vows and rings in front of hundreds of guests in the event thought to be the first of its kind in the Anglican Church. related story full article

Path to the altar: Stories of people in same-sex marriage fight

By Howard Mintz, Mary Anne Ostrom and Mike Swift The Mercury News Did it begin in a furtive San Francisco apartment in the 1950s, or with a young girl's struggle to understand the concept of love in the '90s, or at President Bush's 2004 State of the Union speech? The national struggle over gay marriage is taking a momentous turn this week with the first legal same-sex weddings in California. Those weddings could advance full marriage equality for gays and lesbians. Or those ceremonies could, as opponents say, mark a first step toward California voters preserving traditional marriage in November. Whichever fork history chooses, this will be an emotional week for California: Dozens of weddings that begin at 5:01 p.m. Monday will multiply into thousands of marriages across the state Tuesday. Here are six stories of the people who had profound influence in bringing California to this crossroad. full article

First public gay marriage in Church of England

Two gay priests were married at one of London's oldest churchs; The Priory Church of Saint Bartholomew the Great . The ceremony was held for the Rev. Peter Cowell, Priest Vicar at Westminster Abbey, and the Rev. Dr. David Lord. Here are some excerpts from the Liturgy : Peter, wilt thou take this man as thy partner, in the sight of God?Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and inhealth; and, forsaking al lothers, kipp thee only unto him, so long asyet both shall live? David, wilt thou take this man as thy partner, in the sight of God?Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness andin health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so longas ye both shall live? With this ring I thee bind, with my body I thee worship, and with all myworldly goods I thee endow: In the Name of the Father, and of theSon, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen Forasmuch as David and Peter have consented together in holy convenant,and have witnessed the same

Google removes HIV "cure" ad after complaints

by Tony Grew PinkNews UK Internet company Google has said that advertisements supplied by its AdSense service to websites across the country should not have included ones that claim to "cure" HIV. "We review our policies to make sure that they are consistent with local business practices and customs," a Google spokesperson explained. "Our current policy does not allow ads that proclaim to 'cure HIV' because they are misleading. "Unfortunately, these ads seem to have escaped our automated detectors but the ads will now be banned from the system."

Jury deliberation begins in case against Aleksandr Shevchenko

By Crystal Carreon The Sacramento Bee Over the past three weeks, jurors heard testimony in the trial of Aleksandr Shevchenko, 22. But by the end of closing statements Thursday, the circumstances that led to the punch that killed 26-year-old Satender Singh appeared just as murky and controversial as they did last July. At issue is whether Singh's death resulted from a hate crime. The jury of six men and six women also will decide whether Shevchenko should be held responsible. related articles full article

Optometrist needed; right wing vision problem

Over at an editor wrote a article titled: Homosexual Paedophile Gets 8 Life Terms in Sex Case In the first sentence of the article it states: A judge sentenced a Robertsdale man to eight life sentences plus 40 years for sex crimes that involved an 8-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl over a period of three years. I've got a question. Homosexual pedophiles like girls?

Church woman denies anti-gay remarks

BBC News United Kingdom Stephen Price, 25, of Clydach near Abergavenny, claims he was bullied out of his job by Mair Jones, 40, because she made anti-homosexual taunts. He had told the hearing he was forced to quit as the assistant manager because of Ms Jones's non-stop comments about sex, which included calling him a "stupid poof" and telling other staff he "batted for the other side". But giving evidence on Wednesday, Ms Jones said she did not even know Mr Price was gay and denied driving him away from the centre. The tribunal heard that an internal church investigation had upheld claims of aggressive behaviour, foul language and bullying by Ms Jones, who had worked at the church centre for 10 years. But the Presbyterian Church of Wales failed to take any disciplinary action against her. full article

Okla. governor vetoes Kern religion bill

from Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry on Friday vetoed a measure co-sponsored by state Rep. Sally Kern that aimed to protect students from discrimination for expressing their religious views, the Tulsa World reported. Critics of the measure worried that it would allow students to disregard science and history lessons because of conflicting religious teachings. In his veto message, Henry wrote Friday that students are already allowed to express their faith through prayer and other activities during school. full article

Gambia: President Should Disavow Reported Homophobic Threats

LAGOS, Nigeria, June 11, 2008/African Press Organization (APO)/ — President Yahya Jammeh’s reported threats to expel or kill lesbian and gay people not only encourage hatred, but also contribute to a climate in which basic rights can be assaulted with impunity, Human Rights Watch said in a letter to the president released today . Human Rights Watch called on Jammeh to completely disavow all such statements, and to work toward repealing the country’s colonial-era sodomy law, which allows arbitrary and discriminatory arrests and invasion of privacy. According to the Gambian newspaper, The Daily Observer, Jammeh was quoted as saying, “We are in a Muslim dominated country and I will not and shall never accept such individuals [homosexuals] in this country.” During the speech he also vowed to “cut off the head” of any homosexual caught. The government has since denied that Jammeh called for decapitating homosexuals, without addressing his other reported threats. Gambia ratified the African

California volunteers coming out of the woodwork for gay marriage

By Mike Swift Mercury News Despite occasional protests, many Bay Area county clerks are hearing from a crop of volunteers who want to help officiate same-sex ceremonies. Santa Clara County got so many, it is having a special training session for about 70 people in San Jose on Wednesday. "They called the office and said they wanted to help us out," said Regina Alcomendras, clerk-recorder for Santa Clara County. "I didn't anticipate that much response." full article

S.F. same-sex couple ready to be first again

by Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Staff Writer When same-sex marriages start at 5 p.m. June 16, San Francisco will stage a repeat of the ceremony that started the 2004 Winter of Love, when thousands of gay and lesbian couples married at City Hall. This time, though, Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon's wedding will be legal. Mayor Gavin Newsom said Monday that the ceremony, which he will officiate, will be the only one held in City Hall that day. Martin and Lyon have been together more than five decades, and they were the first couple to marry four years ago. Lyon and Martin first met in Seattle in 1950 and moved in together in a Castro Street apartment on Valentine's Day 1953. Two years later, Lyon and Martin, and three other lesbian couples founded the Daughters of Bilitis, which historians call the first lesbian organization in the United States. Lyon and Martin have been leaders of the lesbian community ever since. full article

Peter LaBarbera’s Wealthy Friends

A recent post on by Average Gay Joe investigates an email by Peter LaBarbera. According to the article LaBarbera's total revenue (as last reported tothe IRS) was $194 million. Some other numbers from the article include the American Family Association ($16.9 million), Concerned Women for America ($10 million), Exodus International North American ($1.1 million), Family Research Council ($10.8 million), Focus on the Family ($142 million). full article

Pastor appealing order to apologize for anti-gay letter

By CANADIAN PRESS The Sault Star A former pastor will appeal a human rights ruling that orders an apology and the payment of thousands of dollars in fines for an anti-gay letter published in a central Alberta newspaper. The Alberta Human Rights Commission issued a written order on May 30 stating that Stephen Boissoin and the Concerned Christian Coalition must pay former Red Deer school teacher Darren Lund $5,000 in damages. Boissoin's letter to the editor was published in the June 17, 2002, edition of the Red Deer Advocate. In it, he compared homosexuals to pedophiles and drug dealers. full article

Gay couples ponder whether to marry amid legal uncertainty

By LISA LEFF Associated Press Writer The Mercury News - Silicon Valley SAN FRANCISCO—Drew Snyder and William Ballentine had a commitment ceremony with all the trimmings four years ago, the closest they could get to a wedding at the time. Now that California's highest court has held that two men can get legally married starting later this month, friends want to know when the Los Angeles couple plans to take their relationship to the next level. The answer: Not any time soon. No thanks, concluded Ballentine and Snyder. Better to wait until after the fall election, when they will know whether their fellow citizens will take away what the court has given. full article

God, Gays and Marriage

Over at the Fourth and Walnut blog (interesting title) a recent opinion piece stated several untruths as if they are facts. In the article the author states: Why should they be barred from visiting each other in the hospital, naming one another as insurance beneficiaries and exchanging rings in romantic ceremonies? The truth is, they can do all three of those things legally already. The author is correct in stating we can exchange rings. Straights can exchange rings also but they choose to marry. I suggest the author tell Janice Langbehn how she has the right to visit her loved one in the hospital. I doubt Janice would be receptive since her lover died in a Florida hospital room alone, because the hospital wouldn’t allow Janice in the room. link The author of the article also states: The courts answered: “No, marriage is the sanction and financial benefits society gives to moral unions that raise children in a stable, sound environment.” It wasn’t so long ago religious

McCain supporters cheer anti-gay message

by PageOneQ Appearing at a campaign rally in Tennessee, John McCain was met with sustained cheers after stating that he believes "in the sanctity and unique status of marriage between man and woman." As the cheers began, McCain added "That's what I believe, that's what I support, and that's what I will fight for." During the ongoing cheers, McCain thanked the audience twice for their response. full article

More Episcopal fallout

Greenville News SPARTANBURG, S.C. -- An Upstate church is going through a split over the topic of homosexuality. St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Spartanburg lost half of its 300 members. Truth Ministry, a group that partnered with the departing members, claimed that Gray was fired and the building seized by the Episcopal Church. But the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina said that claim is not true. The Right Rev. Dorsey F. Henderson, Jr. said, "It was his resignation that prompted my action, which was not to seize any property. All property is held in trust in the Episcopal Church for the diocese." full article

Some California county clerks resist gay marriage ruling

By AMANDA FEHD, Associated Press Writer San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco, CA (AP) - As same-sex couples prepare to wed later this month, at least one county clerk in California's conservative Central Valley is preparing to sidestep the state high court's legalization of gay marriage by shutting down marriage ceremonies. In fact, two Central Valley county clerks — Kern County's Ann Barnett and Merced County's Stephen Jones — issued statements this week stating they will issue the new gender-neutral marriage licenses as required by law on June 17, but refused to preside over any of the ceremonies, citing space and staff constraints. full article

Viewing an Immoral event can make you immoral?

Mark Ostrum over at conservative voice feels two lesbians kissing in public forces him to accept immorality. According to Mr Ostrum it would appear just viewing an event forces a person to accept it. I say to Mr Ostrum, if his statement was true, all of us would be in grave circumstances. Once again, the religious fanatics prove why the majority of people disagree with their line of thinking. Of course he has a few bible quotes to back him up even though it has nothing to do with legality. Mr Ostrum, I will not reduce myself to your level of thinking. In other words, I don't feel your brand of morality is being forced on me when I see church services on tv or public preaching. I can change the channel or walk away if I don't like what I see. Mr Ostrum, you might want to look in a mirror, your insecurity is showing!

Muslim gang attacks gay catwalk model

by Tony Grew Pink News UK Gay people in Holland have been shocked by a public attack on a gay man in Amsterdam. Model Mike Du Pree was taking part in a fashion show to promote tolerance towards gay people when a gang of ten Muslim youths dragged him from the catwalk and beat him. A Dutch MP has called for the youths to be deported. Mr Du Pree's nose was broken in the attack, which was motivated by homophobia. Police arrived on the scene but it is unclear whether the ten homophobic Muslim youths were arrested or charged. full article

School board comes 'out of the closet'

Editorial The Stoney Creek News Toronto, Canada - Trustees with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board should be commended for bringing the issue of homophobia out of dark hallways and into the light under a new Equity Policy. "It encourages staff and students alike to value and show respect for diversity in HWDSB schools. As a board, we are committed to adopting measures to provide a safe environment for learning, free from harassment, violence and expressing hate." Religious groups argue that acceptance of homosexuals under board equity guidelines undermines Christian doctrines and interpretations that these lifestyles are tantamount to condoning 'sin.' Some arguing from a religious perspective put forth suggesgtions that homosexuality is a disease that can be cured. Our question is, why is religious fundamentalism being pushed and pressured on the public school system in the first place? The mandate of the HWDSB is to educate people from numerous religious,

The Anti-Gay Squad

by Bryan Boyd The Portland Mercury As Portland's gay pride festivities loom on the horizon, and a large portion of our community plans to come together—be it only for a few days—what about Oregon's anti-gay crowd? What are their plans for Pride? After many attempts to talk to those in charge of recent efforts to deny essential humanity to Oregon's GLBT folks, no calls were returned. Maybe the anti-gay squad will make a surprise appearance on the Fantasy Video float? Though my calls and emails to the crazies may have gone unreturned—and those folks may be spending the day at church listening to sermons about the gays destroying civilization, and celebrating exaggerated memoirs from self-loathing so-called ex-gays—we can take comfort in a reminder from Restore America's David Crowe, sent out over his always-good-for-a-laugh email list. He says we gays are in good company with the "Oregon House controlled by Democrats who sold out to the sodomite community [and] embra

"The Fall of the Evangelical Nation"

Christine Wicker was the religion reporter for the Dallas Morning News. Air America's Sam Seder radio show interviewed her about her new book "The Fall of the Evangelical Nation". One of her claims, contrary to pronouncments of the Religious Right; only 7% of americans are evangelical. Christine's Website You can hear the radio interview below.

Arizona Christian legal group to sue NY over gay marriage

Capital News 9 ARIZONA -- A Christian legal organization is challenging New York Governor David Paterson's directive to provide benefits to gay couples married legally in other states and Canada. The Alliance Defense Fund said it will sue the governor in order to stop gay marriage rights from happening in New York State. The group already has pending lawsuits against New York State government over earlier attempts to extend marriage rights to gay couples. full article and video

Maltese government's "inhumane" treatment of trans bride

by Staff Writer He ruled, as the bride to be has now become a woman, there was no contravention of marriage legislation. However, the Civil Court has now overturned that ruling. Mr Geraldi argues that the change in the Act of Birth of the transsexual that allows a change of name and gender was only to protect her privacy and does not mean that she can now be considered a woman in legal terms, as her surgery was cosmetic. full article

County preparing for same-sex marriages

by Jason Pesick, Staff Writer The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin County officials are preparing for June 17, the day a state directive says counties can issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. "Basically, we're making sure we respond to the state's direction," said San Bernardino County Auditor/Controller-Recorder Larry Walker. His office is working to make sure all marriage license application forms are uniform, he said. The state guidelines from Mark Horton, director of the California Department of Public Health, also contained copies of new marriage forms that include lines for "Party A" and "Party B" instead of bride and groom. The gender-neutral nomenclature was developed in consultation with county clerks, according to the letter. The original article contains a poll, please take time to vote on the poll. full article

Gay Mormons to church: Don't fight California court ruling

by Jennifer Dobner Associated Press Writer A support group for gay Mormons urged church leaders Wednesday to stay on the sidelines after the California Supreme Court said same-sex marriage there is legal. In a statement Wednesday, the executive director of Affirmation said he hopes church leaders would not "use their energies and their funds" to overturn a ruling that affirms the worth of families or meddle in politics that demonizes gays. Formed by students at church-owned Brigham Young University in the late 1970s, Affirmation has more than 2,000 gay, lesbian and transgender members. It is not sanctioned by the church and until recently was not even acknowledged by leaders. full article

Be Gay, Be Anything You Want – Just Not Single

New America Media, Commentary, Sandip Roy SAN FRANCISCO – When I left India for America, my aunts worried about who I might end up marrying. “I hope you’ll marry another Bengali,” an aunt told me. Over the years that relaxed to, “I hope she’s a Hindu, even if she’s not Bengali.” Then it became, “At least another Indian,” until finally we reached, “I hope you’ll get married to someone before we all die.” She probably didn’t mean another man. But now it might just happen. Same-sex marriage is on a roll in California. First a Republican-dominated Supreme Court said there was no reason gays and lesbians couldn’t get married. Now there comes a new Field poll that says that, for the first time ever, a majority of Californians think same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. full article